Chapter 2-Deniem Is A Death Trap

Start from the beginning

"Thank god to, because we needed an all around player that kicks ass on the field. My prayers have been answered." We both laugh and I help set up cones with him.

"Since knowing how you are, you've already made the team, I'm just going to have you try out as a formality- oh and these idiot boys are, well, idiots- so there probably going to be pretty shitty towards you since your a girl. I expect that you'll just kick there asses on the soccer field?" He looks at me with amusement etched on his face. I smirk.

"You know it."

When we finish, a gang of very attractive, very tall (and tanned) boys walk onto the field. I'm doing some keepy-uppys, just watching them.

"Ooo, we got a new manager?" Says a boy with a buzz-cut, pointing at me. I ignore them all.

"Y'all are late, 15 laps, GO!" Coach yells, then turns to me

"Go show'm whose boss." He says lightly. I sprint up behind the boy, around the middle of the pack and to the front, then 15 steps in front of the leader. I keep my pace the whole time, always 15-20 feet in front of the leader. I finish 30 feet in front of every one else and full out sprint back to coach. I really wish I could say that I wasn't a little bit tired, but is be lying if I didn't.

"Grab a drink then we're going to do some keepy-uppys, but once you drop the ball your out, it's a little competition to see whose the best." Easy. I walk up to my ball and get ready to flick it into the air.

A boy with jet black hair and electric blue eyes stairs at me, glaring. What's his deal. Dear lord not another over zealous soccer jock.

"Go." I flick the ball in to the air and start head tapping the ball


I switch to thigh tapping when I reach 30 head taps. 8 people are already down.


I switch to my feet when I hit 60 me, blue eyes, and 3 others are left.


I'm to busy counting to 120 keepy-uppys, that I didn't hear coach blow his whistle when I had reached 100.

"Sam, you can stop now." Coach calls.

I do an around the world and bring the ball to the ground.

"Sorry coach." I shrug sheepishly. Most of the guys look pissed, a few gaze at me open mouthed but Mathers just smirks.

"Scrimmage time. Zack, Tyler, Dan, Phil, Bri, James, Jason, Marcus, Jack, Finn, Sammy figure out you positions, Sammy play center forward and Finn I want you in goal." I walk to my position and stretch my arms a bit.

"Harvey." So that's the boy with the black hair and blue eyes name.

"Harvey, Max, Ryan, Sean, Olly, King, and you new boys on the other side, Sean in goal and Harvey center forwards. Play safe."

Since its our kick I tap the ball right into an open space in front of Marcus and sprit up with him, just in line with their last defender, a receive the ball that was placed a little to far forward so I have to slide to make contact. I hit with enough power and I flys in to the lower 90°'s of the net. I stand up and Marcus high-5's me the rest of my team pats my back and we line back. Harvey looks pissed along with the rest of his team mates. I've played with the best players in the world, so if he thinks I'm going to lose to him, he's sorely mistaken. This time I block the kick off and switch the field to Tyler, our other forward. We triangle pass until the ball comes flying up to my head and I header the ball into the net, much to my chagrin. At kick off I block the ball from going onto our side of the field, a strike it at the goalie who punts the ball back down the field, I bicycle kicks the ball and land flat on my back but throw my feet into the air, pulling my self into a standing position, cheers erupt from my team signaling that I managed to score a goal.

"Games over." Coach calls. I start to walk to him but someone trips, or try's to trip me, from behind. Thank god for years of the happening to me in games, I summersault and pop back up and spin around.

"Watch it." Sneers Harvey. I smile sweetly at him.

"If you wanted my attention all you had to do was say hi." A look up his 6'ft frame as he glares at me. I step closer to him and do the unimaginable. I pull my fist back and punch him. Hard. In the jaw.

"Have a nice day." A shake off my knuckles and smile brightly and his bent over figure, clutching his jaw.

"See you later Coach." I wave at coach, he just smiles, shakes his head at me and waves back. I grab my stuff and go inside and change.

I walk into the parking lot 15 minutes later after putting on new make up and cloths.

"Hey bitch!" Calls Harvey. His little group of friends that I recognize to be Max, Ryan, Sean, Olly, King, James, Dan, and Phil.

"Aww thanks!" He looks at me confused.

"A bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark comes from trees, trees are in nature, and nature is beautiful. So, thanks for the complement." I flash a dazzling smile.

"What ever slut-"

"To be a slut you have to have sex with multiple guys and, well, I don't do that sooo..." I trail off.

"Stop being an asshole-"

"Oh, real original babe." I wink at him and turn around.

"Fuck, just shut the hell up!" He growls.

"Not with that attitude mister!" I sing-song. I fell him grab my wrist and yank me back. I face him.

"Save the touchy-touchy for the bedroom babe." And I yet again, punch him in the jaw. He bends over again and spits out blood. I stand over him and whisper in his ear.

"Take a lesson, fuck off, because I don't mind this whole punching thing becoming a regular thing, but you face might." I pat his shoulder mockingly and walk home. No one ever said I was shy.

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