Chapter 2

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Do you know how humiliating being in a wheelchair is? I could feel eyes boring into me as Dimitri rolled me out.
"Calm down, love." I heard Dimitri whisper in my ear. I rolled my eyes at his comment, though he couldn't see it. When we reached my dorm, Dimitri came in with me; to anyone else he was just helping me. It was a great excuse for him to come inside. As we got the the side of my bed, he scooped me up bridal style out of the chair and placed me on the bed, sitting beside me. The silence dragged on for a couple of minutes at least, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Finally, I said,
"Will you stay with me?" I could see the confusion spreading across his face. "Tonight," I added, "I really don't want to be alone." The perplexed expression soon morphed into compassion.
"Of course, Roza." he smiled, I love it when he calls me that.
"Thanks comrade!" I chirped, and he just laughed his hearty laugh.

Dimitri's Pov
After Rose fell asleep, I slipped out of her room without waking her, but not before leaving a note.
I'm just nipping out to do something. I'll be back before 12 I promise. I hope you don't wake up but in the incase that you do, I don't want you to worry. Go back to sleep Roza.
I went down to the offices, and saw Alberta just packing up her desk before going to bed.
"Guardian Belikov," she said when she saw me.
"Petrov." I nodded as I slipped in.
"Sit. Please," she motioned to the guest chair with a sweep of her arm. I awkwardly sat down as she returned to her desk chair.
"I'm prosuming this is about Miss Hathaway?" Damn, she guessed.
"Uh, yeah. I was wondering, referring to her leg, if she would need a guardian to help her with things? I know Princess Vasilisa will help her as well as she can, but during periods in which there not together, the other Novices can't sit out of training to help." she thoughtfully nodded her head while I was speaking, and said,
"I see. Well, we had been thinking about getting her some help for during her recovery, but I'm presuming that your offering her your assistance?"
"I am, I just though seeing as I won't be doing anything in my spare time now that practises with Rose are going to be withheld for the mean time."
"Consider it done, Belikov. Now, incase she needs help during the night, i'll presume you'll be guarding her during the nights too?" There was more than a trace of humour in her voice, and it had me seriously worrying whether she knew. If she did, she didn't seem to be bothered by it.
"Of course, anything to aid her recovery." I honestly responded.
"Of course," she copied, her eyes twinkling, mouth curling as she restrained her laugh. As I stood there, she said, "Go then! Oh, heres a copy of her room keys..." she pulled them out of her draws and then ushered me out of the room.
When I returned, she was as curled up as she could be with her leg, the note id left her firmly grasped in her hand. Oh Roza...
I walked over to the bed and slid in next to her, and without waking she shifted to lay her head on my chest. Smiling, I leaned down and kissed her head before falling deep into a slumber of my own.

Roses Pov
"Rose," I heard. I looked around the beach in bewilderment. "Rose," I heard again, the wind blowing my name into me. "Roza," That name. Dimitri. "Roza, wake up." I heard him say as I opened my eyes unwillingly. "Mmmm. Go away. Let me sleep." I mumbled, and he just laughed.
"You'll be too late for food. And even if it is still open, by the time you get there all the doughnuts will have gone." What?! No way, whats the time. I jolted my body into a sitting position.
"Mean! You are so mean comrade. Its only 7:30!" He just chuckled to himself as he pulled me into his chest, kissing my hair.
"Mmm, but how else would I have got you up? And plus, it worked."
"Thats Rose Logic!" I laughed at him.
"Come on Rose, what do you want to wear?" I pointed at some clothes and he helped me dress, innocently, before picking me up and placing me gently into the wheelchair. He caught my scowl and knelt in front of me.
"Roza, why are you so upset?" I sighed.
"I look stupid."
"You don't. Promise." I looked at the sincerity in his face and smiled.
Getting food, as it seems, is a challenge. I wasn't high enough in the chair to see the food. Sensing my frustration, Dimitri didn't laugh and picked up my food for me.
"Thanks." I nodded as he rolled me up to a table. We ate in silence, but, as usual, it was nice silence, filled with silent messages of love. Suddenly, an over excited Mason bounds up to me, Eddie in tow.
"Have you heard?" Huh?
"Heard what?" I asked, and he shook his head in exasperation.
"The Ski trip! Were going there for four weeks - you'll be able to take your cast off for the second week! A skiing match will be in order." He winked at me, and Dimitri looked irritable.
"You'd have to take it easy if you went Skiing Rose. No fancy manoeuvres," he eyed Mason warily as if to tells him to drop the subject.
"Well," Mase started, clearly uncomfortable with Dimitri's comment, "I'm going to go now, so see you around Rose."
"Skiing!" I squealed excitedly, "I've always wanted to go skiing!"
Dimitri just shook his head as he laughed.
"Roza, you'd have to be careful. Your leg would still be weak."
"I know, I know." I paused, "but skiing!"
Whilst I was finishing off my French toast, Lissa came over to me sympathy clear all over her face, as well as leaking to me through the bond.
"Rose, are you ok?" She asked, sitting on the chair next to me.
"Yeah, I'm good. Mase just told me about the ski trip!"
"I know! Ooh, there's someone I'd like you to meet - she's just outside with Christian, I said I'd meet them there, please come."
I nodded and she smiled happily, turning to grab my wheelchair handles but dimitri already had them.
"Dimitri you don't have to come, you probably have guardian stuff to do." I said, though I really did want him to come.
"No can do, Rose. I'm your guardian along side your recovery so I have to accompany you."
"Really! Oh, but aren't you Lissa's guardian?"
"Not until you get better. Behind wards she doesn't have one, outside of wards she'll get a temporary one."
Lissa, though I expected her to be upset that I had her guardian for the time being, looked happy for me. Through the bond I could hear her say I'm glad your getting looked after while your ill.

Dimitri's PoV
As I pushed Rose after Lissa, I noticed how she cringed when people stared at her yet how she sat up strait so as to not seem bothered. She's so strong. As Lissa took us outside Rose, who was just wearing a short sleeved top, started to shiver slightly. I wasn't sure what to do as it could be a cover blower if I gave her my coat. I decided to do it anyway, I could always use the excuse of 'I'm her temporary guardian.' So I took of my duster and draped it over her.
"Why have you given me your duster?" She asked as she looked up at me with an amused face. However, I couldn't help but notice her shrug it up a little higher and snuggle into it.
"So, your not cold then?" I asked as I went to jokingly take it off her.
"No!" She exclaimed, setting Lissa into a fit of laughter.
"Thanks for looking after Rose by the way. Though, why does she get a guardian, I mean most others don't."
"Rose is on a higher training program, because of her missing the two years so the instructors didn't want her slowing down her recovery trying to do things as she is still in the process of catching up."
Lissa nodded, then led us through a clearing, where Christian and someone else was skating.
"Tasha?" I exclaimed.

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