Chapter 5

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I haven't always been with my current dance school. I used to dance for a school only ten minutes from my house, but the favoritism became unbearable and I switched to a school at age nine that was forty five minutes from my house. I was glad I switched though, because otherwise I wouldn't have met Carly.
Carly and I didn't even like each other when we first met, we were enemies! We were extremely competitive with each other, even though we never really said it. We would cut each other off during class and would roll out eyes when the other person did well. That was, until we were both invited to a birthday party from someone else at dance, and somehow ended up best friends by the end of the party.
We both advanced into open champs at the same feis when we tied for first! We started competing opens as u12s, and we both qualified for worlds that year. However, we couldn't compete because our teacher was judging. We qualified again at nationals in u13, when I came 13th and Carly came 15th. At the next oireachtas I came 5th and Carly came 6th.
Sitting on the bus on the way to the bonfire, I thought about how our friendship had survived so many competitions where one of us had beat the other. Had worlds changed us? Did Carly not want to be friends anymore?
Don't think that way. I thought to myself. Carly is still your best friend. And you are still hers. One competition won't change that.
We finally arrived to a beautiful night, despite all the rain. The bonfire was already set up pretty far from the shoreline. Carly and I sat down in the sand, and Julie sat down next to me, with Grace on her other side, Marie sitting on Grace's other side.
"Hi Ciara! Hi Carly!" Julie said happily.
"Hey," we both said.
"So what do we do at this bonfire?" Carly asked.
"Basically we just eat s'mores and play games and talk to each other." Julie answered.
Suddenly Marie said "Seriously?!" Rather loudly while talking to Grace. "Guys, Grace won the A group at nationals last year!"
"Wow, you did?" I said in awe.
"Yeah...." Grace said shyly. I was in the B group at nationals along with Carly, Julie, and Marie, so none of us knew much about who won the A group.
"That's amazing. Wow." Carly said.
The rest of the bonfire seemed to go by in a blur. We had amazing s'mores and then played a few games of down by the banks, and before we knew it, we had to leave. When we got back to the dorms, I groggily changed into my pajamas and was about to fall asleep when I heard Carly crying quietly from her bed.
I crept over and sat on the end of her bed. Okay, there's definitely more to this then worlds. I thought.
"Car. What's wrong?" Carly sat up in her bed, and wiped away her tears.
"I don't deserve to be at this camp." She chocked. "Everyone here is amazing, and I didn't even recall at worlds." Okay, so it's kind of about worlds.
"Carly, c'mon, Claire didn't either and-"
"Claire was one away. I was 76th!" I bite my lip. I can't think of what to say.
"Carly, worlds was one feis. And you wouldn't have been accepted here if you weren't a good dancer."
"Admit it Ciara, you've beaten me at every feis since worlds. I'm obviously getting worse!" Carly sniffed.
"Don't compare yourself to me. This isn't about me, or Claire, or anyone else here. This is about you and your dancing, and how much you've improved. Remember that."
Carly nodded. "It's just hard when your best friend is better than you..."
"Oh come on Carly! Dance is one thing, but you are a much better person, and you get much better grades than me, too."
Carly laughed a little bit. "Thanks, Ciara. You're the best."
I gave Carly a hug, then went back to my bed and fell asleep almost instantly, ready for the first day of camp

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