"Yes." I looked back down at my phone and selected the right music.

"I'm sorry that happened," she offered.

A ghost of a smile touched my face for a moment. "Thank you. So, do you have any ballet experience?"

She shook her head. "None that I remember."

I nodded and walked over to her. "First, hair goes up in a tight bun."

I turned her towards the mirror and took the hair tie I had around my wrist. A light knock on the door pulled my attention from Katerina to Nicolae and Alexandru coming though the door.

"You're just in time," I commented.

I scooped Katerina's long, silky brown hair into my hands and used my fingers as a comb to get it all on top of her head in a neat bun.

"Everything in ballet is controlled. You have to be tight and precise, but make it look effortless."

She nodded once and watched as I stood in preparation. "Put your feet in a V shape."

Her heels clicked together, but I noticed her knees were still forward.

"Put your hand on my shoulder. I'm going to fix your feet."

She placed a small tan hand on my shoulder as I kneeled in front of her and lightly turned out her hips. "Your turn out should be at your hips. The goal is to use everything else more than your feet so you don't tire them out. When you start recitals you'll be happy."

"Recitals?" Nicolae asked from in front of me.

I glanced up at him. "I'll take questions after class," I said with a playful smile. Thankfully he got that I was teasing and smiled back.

"There shouldn't be a gap between your legs when you're standing in first."

I moved to push her legs together. She wobbled for a moment before adapting and gaining her balance. I stood up and noticed the slight S her upper body was making because of how hard she was pressing her legs together.

"Tuck your butt under just enough to straighten out. You want your body to be in a completely straight line."

"It's not comfortable," she complained.

"Not at all, but if you learn it now, it could save you a lot of injuries later. Now, tighten your tummy."

She did exactly what I said though she didn't look happy about it. Her neck was already extended and her shoulders were down.

"The rest looks great. Good job. Stay just like that while I put your arms in the right place."

I moved her arms into preparation and placed her fingers correctly. I was shocked that she held the position so well. Her legs shook in protest, but her face never gave away her struggle. I had a feeling that expression was something she picked up from Nicolae.

As the class progressed, Katerina became more fluid. She even smiled a couple times when I praised her. I didn't just offer praise to make her happy; I didn't believe in coddling children like that. I only gave it when she earned it.

I wondered if my initial judgement of her was slightly off. She was still a little guarded with me, but by the end of class she was much more relaxed.

"At the end of any ballet class you take or performance you have, you curtsy. Watch."

I showed her what it should look like then broke it down step by step. She copied me exactly, thankfully. I was surprised by how fast she picked up everything I threw at her, but it was a good surprise. She listened well and I could tell she was going to be a beautiful dancer.

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