Chapter One

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I made my way inside of the apartment, not even taking the time to take off my shoes or to see if Anastasia or Eleanor were home. I go straight to my room and jump on my bed. Today there were so many people at work, that I couldn't even take one minute for myself. And to add to all of this, one girl didn't come in, so we're only two, in the shop. Now, I am so tired, I wish I could stay in bed tomorrow.

"Hello to you too!" come a voice in the entrance of my room. "How are you? How was your day? Oh, my day was fine, thank for asking?"

There is only one person who could be this sarcastic, and be offended when she is ignored. Anastasia Moretti. I met her six months ago, before I move here, in New York. I couldn't offer to live in a dorm, because they were too expensive, so before I move I search on the internet people who may be in need of new roommate. It takes me, weeks before I found the perfect announce, and it was hers. She was searching two more roommates, and she wasn't asking too much. Here I am now, three months after I "run" from home, in this fabulous apartment and with two fabulous girls: Anastasia and Eleanor, my two best friends.

Ever since I come to New York earlier than planned, I talk to my family every week, especially my mother. But it didn't stop me for missing them and I don't want to go visit them, yet. I have to be used to the fact that, now my home is here in New York.

"Hello Ana, how was your day?" I ask her while sitting in my bed and looking in her direction.

"Too late to ask," she said with an attitude and rolled her eyes.

I laugh hearing her faking that she is mad at me, and I know that she is not going to fake it long enough. Now we are only joking, but she is really like that. For her to stay mad at you for long, is if you did something really bad to her. Like I said, if you pissed her off, you need to be really good, because she is always smiling, in a good mood and forgivable. The opposites of me, when someone made me mad, I can forget and move on. If I do, it will take some time.

"I love you too," I said, blowing her a kiss with my hand.

"Yea, yea. You can keep your kiss for yourself!" she respond trying to stay serious.

"No thank you, I know you want it, so you can keep it"

Rolling her eyes, she turned around and begin to leave my room, but stop on her track.

"I almost forget to tell you, we all going out tonight"

"No, I'm too tired," i whined not wanting to go anywhere tonight. "I'm not going."

"Oh yes, you're going Miss!" she said like when my mother tell me to do something that I don't want to do. "Even if I have to force you."

I sighed, knowing that she wasn't joking when she said she could force me to come. When she and Eleanor want to go out, there is no discussion about it. You go and that's it, whether you want it or not. Sadly, this is the story of my life when it comes to them.

"Be ready for ten-thirty," she told me. With that, she made her way to the living room.

"We will see that," I whispered to myself. There is no way in hell, will I get out of my bed.

"And you better be!" she yelled from the living room, as if she heard what I said.

When I was thinking to have a relaxing night... Too bad.

* * *

"Shaynaïa, are you almost done?" asked Eleanor on the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yes, just give me five minutes," I said not leaving my eyes of the long mirror on the wall.

"Good, because Anastasia is ready and you know how impatient she could be."

"Oh, don't worry about it, I know how she can be," I reply, remembering every time Ana dragged us out of the house when we were going somewhere.

"I heard you!" yelled the devil herself, somewhere in the house.

Eleanor and I laughed at her outburst. I don't know how she heard the things she is not suppose to. She will always amaze me.

"Hurry up, before she had both our heads. We will wait for you in the living room," And with that, I hear her steps go away.

I can stop looking at it. Nobody knows about the scar that I have on my right hips. Nobody except for my family and the doctor at the time. It doesn't matter, I am sure the doctor doesn't even remember taking the big piece of glass out of my skin. He may not remember, but I do and will always. And I have this scar to make me to never forget.

Slowly, I touch that thin line, a little lighter than my brown complexion, that is inlaid in my skin. They always said how it's better to keep the bad things that we felt for something or someone to herself. And I am not going to lied, the only thing that I feel about this scar, is disgust and guilt with myself, but thankful for making me remember what I did...

The tears flowing one after another on my face.
The anger, he felt towards me.
The yelling, I couldn't stop.
The  horns, all around us.
The sound of broken glasses.
The pain that I felt all over my body, but not that painful than the emptiness I felt inside of me.

Big knocks at my door, brought me out of my daydream, and make me realized my five minutes passed three minutes ago.

"Hurry up Shaynaïa!" yelled Anastasia. "We were supposed to be out of the house fifteen minutes ago!"

"I'm coming, calm down Ana," I yelled too. "It's not like I wanted to go out in the first place."

I take my purse and my coat, and made my way out of my room before she came herself to drag me out.

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