"but Lukey likes it"

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Michael shot up in surprise when he heard the soft voice of the mystery person behind him. He turned around and felt a blush creep onto his cheeks when he saw a fairly lanky, but absolutely adorable boy.

Luke pouted when all the boy with the silly hair did was gawk at him while still holding on to his teddy. "Lukey ask yous h-human! Why holdies Lukey's teddy?" Luke grumbled, Michael finding it absolutely hard to not gush over him.

"Err.. uhm.. sorry. Uh, here." Michael gave Luke back the teddy bear and the boy immediately brightened up, hugging the bear tightly to his chest and talking to it cutely. "Teddy! Hello! Lukey missies yous!" he cooed, Michael biting his tongue to prevent himself from saying something that will probably embarrass himself in front of the boy.

"W-what's your name?" Michael asked, trying to make a conversation with the young lad. Luke looked at him and tilted his head, "I is Lukey! Just saying so while go!" he giggled, Michael's cheeks burning at how cute Luke is. "O-oh, well I am Michael. It's nice to meet you, Lukey." Michael grinned, holding his hand out for Luke to shake.

Luke looked at Michael's hand and giggled again, cuddling further into the teddy. "Lukey says hi to Mikey! Yous have silly hairsies! But Lukey like it, is one of Lukey's f-favorite c-colors!" he beamed, Michael smiling and ruffling his fluffy hair, "Thanks." he said, shyly smiling at the boy.

Michael stared at Luke, who was still giggling and hugging the teddy bear. He reminded Michael of a 4 year old boy who got their first stuffed toy and was hugging the life out of it, but Luke looked like he was a lot older than just a 4 year old boy.

Luke glanced at Michael, "Why Mikey staring at me? Does Lukey have somethings on face?" he rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand and all Michael could do was shake his head. Luke felt amused at how Michael was acting towards him, all shy and all, Luke was used to people being talkative and pestering him with questions or talking about all kinds of stuff.

"W-Would you like to sit down?" Michael swallowed thickly, trying to keep his voice still as he forced himself to try and talk more to Luke. Luke nodded, grabbing Michael's hand and pulled him to the beanbag chairs where they plopped down, Luke not taking notice of the apparent blush that's forming on Michael's cheeks when he held his hand.

Michael tried to ignore the tingly feeling he got when Luke didn't let go of his hand but instead intertwined their fingers together and shifted to a comfortable spot on the chair. "Mikey d-does y-you knows hows to readsies?" Luke gestured towards the story book that was open on the small table. "Of course. D-do you, ugh, want me to read for you?" he asked, Luke nodding his head happily.

And Michael began reading his favourite childhood story book, almost giggling when he heard Luke's silent laughs when he got to some funny parts. Once Michael finished the book, Luke has already retreated to Michael's bean bag chair and sat next to him, which is a tight squeeze but they made it work. Luke cuddled up to Michael's side, contently sighing at the heat Michael radiated off.

On the outside, Michael was calm and relaxed. But on the inside, he was panicking because he never got close contact with anyone rather then his mom, dad and Haz.

Luke peered up at Michael's face, resting his chin on Michael's shoulder and Michael turned his head to face Luke, making their noses come in contact. "Lukey tells Mikey secret." Luke whispered. Michael nodding his head, too distracted by how close him and Luke were to sink in what Luke has said.

Suddenly, Michael felt cold. Luke no longer cuddled closely next to him, but was now standing up in front of him with a shy blush on his cheeks. "M-Mikey promises to not laughy at Lukey?" Luke pouted, Michael nodding his head and was confused because who would ever laugh at such an adorable boy?

Luke bit his lip, and slowly, he started to morph into his hybrid form. Michael's eyes widened when he saw a bushy tail and cute little triangle ears appear on Luke, "Y-You're a hybrid?" he gasped, Luke nodding as he giggling and pawed his ears.

"L-Lukey squirrel yes."

Michael really can't stop himself now, "Y-you're so adorable, you're like a cute little ball of fluff." Luke hid his burning face behind his hands, "M-Mikey stop s-says s-sweet wordsies! M-makes L-Lukey turns pink!" he giggled, Michael smiling at him. "You're just too cute for your own good, Lukey." Michael sighed, Luke turning back to his normal shade and looking at Michael with his big doe eyes.

"M-Mikey really t-thinks Lukey's cute?" he asked. And when Michael nodded, he felt his heart beating loudly for the first time ever. "Lukey w-wants to show Mikey full mode." Luke murmured softly, almost too soft for Michael to hear but he did and he waited for Luke to shift into his full mode.

Slowly, Luke started to morph into a cute little squirrel and Michael, well, Michael could've just died right there.

"Lukey! You're so cute, oh my god, I can just squeeze you right now!" he gushed, Luke crawling up to Michael's chest and nuzzling himself there.

Luke was literally just the size of Michael's palm, actually, he was a bit smaller than Michael's palm.

"Jesus, now you're really like a cute little ball of fluff. You're killing me with your cuteness, Lukey." Michael groaned, scratching the back of Luke's ears with his index finger.

Luke mentally giggled and nudged his head back to Michael's finger, feeling happy that someone not of his kind, finally accepted him for him.


Petition to kill Ands a.k.a me for writing this chapter, I FEEL LIKE I KILLED ALL OF YOU WITH THE FLUFF.

luke's full squirrel mode showed at the photo btw.

and you guys' comments in the former chapter was really warming and I hope this made it up for the wait!

Love you little ones xx stay tuned because calum and ashton and more muke yo.

The flowers in your hair look nice; mukeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora