Hurt Feelings; The Depression (Maka X Kid)

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When we walked in Kimmy was in her bed with needles all over her and she was breathing because of an air tank that goes to her nose. "She got another cancer that goes through her blood. Don't know what but its bad. Really bad," the doctor said. "How can you not know what she has?! You're a doctor!" I yell.

"Well it seems we have a new one. But it doesn't look like a cancer to me. Take a look at what's in her," the doctor passes a picture to the both of us.

"That's no cancer," Kid says, "that's black blood. How did that get in there. Did she happen to get a shot by a doctor with a needle full of a black liquid?"

"Umm......I think there was one guy........he looked perfectly harmless and I've known him for years."

"Show me where he lives. Now. Maka you stay here and try to figure out how to get that blood out of her." "Kid, I think I should handle the guy and you help Kimmy.....I've beaten the Kishen and you're more of a friend to Kimmy. I think you should stay....." I reply. He nods his head in agreement. "You're right......okay you go with the doctor then. I'll stay with her."

Kid stayed with her while the doctor and I left. We ran out of the hospital and around town. We ran through the whole entire town pretty much. I was confused. We were in a dark neighborhood. It looked abandoned to me. So I had to ask.

" you even know where he is?" He stopped in his tracks. He then pointed at the house right next to us. "This is it. Right in there," he said. So, like I should, I entered first so I could make sure it was safe. We walked around the ground floor for a while to find nothing. But then we went to the attic.

"WHA......WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!?" I screamed. I found the real doctor....or could be the real doctor tied up.......

The door slammed behind me and the man who said he was the doctor locked the door behind him. I turned to look at him but what I saw was impossible. It had to be. "N-N-N-NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! IT CAN'T BE!!! YOU-YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!!!!! I KILLED YOU!!!! I KNOW I DID!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU?!?!?"


I'm worried about her. When I say her I mean her I mean both Kimmy and Maka......I don't know who I'm more worried about.........

(Kid then looked at Kimmy. He tried to pet her hair but when he touched her, her eyes opened and they were fully black. Black as night. Kid got scared at first but when she looked at him she cringed like she had a headache. But she was fighting the black blood. And Kid saw what she was doing).

"Kimmy I know you're in there somewhere......please we need your help.......I need your help.......please come out.......please fight through the black blood......fight like you do with your cancer! Please fight it off!!!!" I yelled to help her fight off the black blood. It was helping her. But in the end she passed out. She overloaded her head from fighting it off.





It's been too long. Maka and the doctor should be back by now. I can't leave Kimmy though.

(Kid looked timid. He didn't know what to do. But he got lucky. His father came in. He had flowers for her but when he saw Kid who didn't notice him he knew something was wrong).

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