Chapter 1 - The long flight

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"Flight 346 preparing for take off" The pilot saaid over the intercom.

I was just getting to my seat by that time. I put my suitcase into the over head cubby, and slumped down in my seat. Once I was settled in; which took no longer than five minutes; and not moments later we took off. Thank god! I have a 14 hour flight and I have nobody sitting next to me to put up with! It was just me, my seat (and the other two seats), my laptop-need to check Tumblr- and my ipod. I just got the Fall Out Boy album off of itunes. So I was pretty much set. 

-crackling over the intercom- "Hello, this is your pilot speaking. I would just like to ask everyone to buckle up and pack away all cell phones, ipads or laptops. Please enjoy the saftey video we're about to demonstrate. Once we are at 1,000 fet in the air you may take out your laptops and ipads, etc. Hope you enjoy your flight. And any questions you can ask the flight attendents." 

Okay 14 hours......I have way too much time to kill. -I frowned looking at my ipod- I was scrolling throught the songs. I picked out the song Still Into You by Paramore It's been stuck in my head so why not listen to it right? I went to go set an alarm just in case I fell asleep, and I had a new note in my ipod. I've never written a note. -I frowned and opened up the note pad- 

"Hi Vanessa!! It's Bonney, I didn't know if I could see you before you left so I wrote this last weekend when I was over. Just wanted to say have fun and If you see any cute guys don't be afraid to get a few digits for me. ;) Ha ha but seriously call me when you get to the hotel. I wanna make sure you're okay.  -Bonney ;)"

Ha ha I just had to giggle, she was my best friend since, forever. We did everything together! This would be the first time we'd be away from each other more than a week. She was moving up here later on in the year, but it was still too long for us to be apart. She was my sister from another mister! 

Anyways I went back to setting my alarm. It was about  4:30 A.M. in Boston right now and I knew she wouldn't be awake so I was gonna message her later.  I put on the alarm so that'd it wake me in two hours...if not I'd sleep longer believe it or not.  The last thing I remeber is that Dirty Little Secret by All-American Rejects was playing when I fell asleep.

- about 2 hours later-

I woke up to vibrationg in my boob pocket. It felt weird.......It was my ipod; The alarm. Oh yeah forgot. I took out my ipod and it pretty much went throught my whole 1000 songs. I hit snooze on the screen. I got up and used the bathroom. Once I came back I saw everyone had there electronics on and open to some sort of website. I practically ran back to my seat. I opened my laptop and logged onto Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and YouNow. 

I messaged Bonney on Facebook. I knew she wouldn't see it 'till like 11:00 cause she sleeps in. I logged out of Facebook and closed that tab. Went into the Twitter tab. Of course as the regular routine I stalked some youtuber's twitters. Just the important ones like Shane Dawson, Emma Blackery, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Jack and Finn Harries, Luke Cutforth, OBVIOUSLY Dan and Phil's, and Kick the Pj's.

Opened up Tumblr next, and I'm not kidding you. I sat there for hours. 

Once I snaped back into reality I had 7 hours left. Lemme say holy shit. I never knew I could scroll throught Tumblr for three hours straight! I finally closed my laptop. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took out my ear phones and looked to my right. It was one of the stewardess. 

"Excuse me ma'am but would you like anything to drink or eat?" She asked polietly she seemed so nice and happy. 

"Um, yeah sure, can I have a coke, some peanuts, some of those delisous grahm cookies and a turkey sandwich." I sounded like I hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Yes. Anything." She said poliety once again. she handed me my drink and the rest of the snacks. "Will that be all you need miss?" 

"Actually can I have one more thing. I'm kinda chilly can I have a blanket?"

"Yes you may." She walked off and came back a few moments later.

"Oh thank you so much." I handed her $10 to show my gratitude.

"You don't have to miss." She hesitated.

"It's alright, thank you." I say putting the money in her hand. She then smiled, shook my hand and walked off. 

Once again I feel asleep after eating my sandwich and drinking my coke. I put the peanuts and cookies in my bag for later. I had about a half a hour car ride right after this.

-shuffling and voices- 

I woke up I saw people walking throught the asile with there bags I got scared for a second. I whipped out my ipod and it was 6 P.M. Boston time-I hadn't changed the time over yet- Holy crap!! How'd I sleep for 7 hours?!?!

I shot up from my seat. basically all the people in my section were gone. I grabbed my bags and ran to the front of the plane. I stopped right before the stewardess who had given me all the food. I thanked her again. "Oh yeah thanks so much-" I gave her a half hug, I looked at her name tag and it said Vanessa! Ha ha just like me! "-Uhhh Vanessa!" She motioned me out and I ran out of the gate and into baggage claim. 

*WACK* I stood up and picked up my bags. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I just need to hurry."

I look up to the faces of two guys. Very familiar, I know I've seen them before.

"Oh it's alright, I'm just seeeing stars. but it's cool." The pitch black haired one said.

I looked at them once I could recollect my thoughts. "Oh my god!!!" I practically screamed.

They looked around trying to see what I was looking at. "What?" They said in a jinx.

"You guys are-"

You gotta remember me, right? (Danisnotonfire Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ