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(I actually met Asking this year at warped...one of them drew the arrow to the word family. Btw, if any of you can tell me who did it, I'd be really happy. I know it wasn't Denis tho... I know it was the one in the top right...idk who that one is tho.)

*Ashley's POV*

It was about 7:30am and my friend and I were getting up to go to Warped Tour. I Have been waiting waiting all summer for this! I can't wait to see Asking Alexandria!

I had finished doing my makeup and now we were meeting my parents down at the café in the lobby.

We ate our breakfast quickly then went back to get dressed. It was 8:10am and we were now leaving. The traffic was terrible. My friend Ehryann and I were chatting about what we were going to do, after all, this was our first time going to Warped.

Time Skip

I had purchased 3 AA shirts and gotten a little blue ticket. They ha said it was for the signing later. I hadn't remembered the time. It was a few hours later, Ehryann and I had met Attila after she bought an I Killed The Prom Queen shirt.

We were walking by the AA tent when she poked me.

"Hey look what's going on right now." she pointed over to the AA tent as we passed a short line.

I looked over to see Cameron sitting at the edge of a table.

"Holy fuck..." I muttered, grabbing her hand and going to the back of the line.

Ehryann giggled.

"I sorry, I really, really want to meet them." I said shyly.
I was pretty damn embarrassed.
"It's fine Ash, I know it means a lot to you." She smiled.
I hugged her. We met two girls that didn't have a ticket. One of them didn't really care, and Ehryann wasn't the biggest fan. She had given up her ticket to one of the girls.

We gave the bouncer our tickets and were only a few feet away from Asking.

My heart was beating a thousand miles per hour. I set my notebook down on the table in front of Denis as he finished signing a t-shirt.

He looked up and smiled. God damn it he's so much hotter in person.....he passed the notebook to Ben, then Sam, then James and finally Cameron. All the guys gave me a smile.

Cameron handed me my little notebook with a smile. I blushed and thanked him, walking off to my friend.

"Oh my god...it was so amazing." I mumbled to Ehryann.
"How'd it go?" She smirked.
"I can't put it into words. But can we go to the bathroom now? I seriously need to pee."

She laughed and nodded.

We walked to the bathroom and did our business. Checking the time, noticing that AA is on shortly. We walked back over to the Shark Stage.

"Oh shit...I don't think I can do this. I'm shaking..." Ehryann muttered to me.
Ehryann is claustrophobic, I tried to see if I can make her more comfortable but nothing was working.

"Alright, I guess you can go to the pole or the back, just text me where you go. And don't go anywhere with anyone." I told her. She nodded and left.

Young Warped Love (Denis Shaforostov fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя