Chaper 7

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Skye was just finishing up getting the small snacks for her and Winter. She was worried that he wouldn't like it. She sighed to herself before picking up the tray. This would have to do for now, she thought. As she turned around with the tray of sandwiches and drinks, she jolted nearly dropping the tray. She was lucky to have still been close to the counter to where she could set down the tray so she wouldn't almost drop it again from solely being startled by the other agent that stood blocking her path from leaving to go back to the soldier.

"Skye. You're not going back in there." May said calmly, well... in her threatening manner. "Cou-" she was cut off by the younger agent.

"Why not? So he can kill me with words?" Skye retorted. "He's not a bad guy," she protested in Winter's defense.

"Clearly his record shows differently. He is unstable and unpredictable. We don't want you getting hu-" once again, Agent May was cut off.

"I'm going to see him, whether you all like him or not. He trusts me... and.. well... I trust him," she stated matter-of-factly. "It's the only way he's opening up," she pointed out. "So if you have a better way of earning his trust, let me know and I won't go back in."

Agent May and Skye stared each other down for a few moments before Skye had turned away to grab the tray again and made her move to go past May again. May didn't try to stop her this time. Instead, May waited until she left before heading to go report back to Coulson.

Skye hurriedly, stomping slightly, made her way back to the interrogation room. She understood Coulson meant well, but he needs to trust her. Trust, however, was difficult to acquire especially with all that had happened.

Winters head was down on his forearms which were resting on the table. He must have been dosing off with since he bolted up right when she came in.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she said apologetically as she came in and sat across from him putting the plate within reach for him.

"S'ok, shouldn't be able to fall asleep here. No telling what your allies might do to me," he mumbled reaching carefully for a sandwich. He studied it in his hands a few times before he leaned down to nibble at it slowly.

Skye gave a small nod. "I understand..." She said as she picked up her sandwich and started eating.

The two sat in silence as they ate, Skye looking to him every now and then noticing that he was complete relaxed.

She smiled to herself, she didn't think he was dangerous. Sure there was his history, but she really believed he didn't know anything on who he was. Who fakes something and looks that saddened by it? That's not something one learns, but only is able to experience.

"What are you going to do with me?" He asked, breaking her from her thoughts. "Or they...?" He added. She noticed he had finished his sandwich already.

She looked down to hers before setting her own down. "Well... We need to keep you here. You have answers-"

"But I d-" he cut her off.

She cut him off to finish. "Even if you don't remember anything. Things might come to you..." She pointed out.

He visibly deflated.

"I can try making things a little smoother for you, as much as I can... But you'll be under close eye." She said. "Now let me ask you something. Can I trust you?" She asked seriously looking at him.

He looked up at her for a long moment before finally giving a hesitant nod.

Skye gave a nod at this before getting up and giving a glance to the camera in the room as she disabled the shock on the cuffs and unlocked them carefully.

"Thank you," he said softly withdrawing his hands to himself, the metal one slightly rubbing his flesh wrist.

"You're welcome," she smiled to him.

He seemed to give a faint smile in return to her.

She could already hear Coulson's scolding words...


"What does she think she's doing?!" Coulson fumed at the video feed of agent and enemy. 

"Well... she does best when talking face to face with someone, sir..." Simmons tried reminding him.

"This person happened to be with Hydra, the last time she opened up to an agent of Hydra, he tricked all of us and nearly killed you and Fitz," he snapped back at her.

Simmons fell silent at this and looked away, clearly backing off from him.

May was silent as she watched the video feed quietly and Coulson's anger spew from him. "She sees something we don't," she cut in to the grumbling of Phil.

Phil and Jemma looked at her.

May looked back to them, "That soldier isn't playing a role. At least not anymore."

"What do you mean?" Phil asked her.

"I mean he's not doing anything." May stated. "You saw how he was when we ambushed him."

"You think it's all an act sir?" Jemma asked Coulson.

Coulson was quiet for a long moment before he looked to Jemma. "Ward's was." he stated simply.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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