seven / car radio

86 15 1

'i have so much thoughts so often i ought to replace that slot with what i once bought; somebody stole my car radio, and now i just sit in s i l e n c e.' - twenty one pilots

(dedicated to inlovewtbooks for being such an awesome roommate :-) )


i gnaw my pen,

blow bubblegum,

bite my lips until they


i do anything


to stop thinking.

i wish i could block out the buzzing sounds in my ears.

hours and hours i spend scrawling random poetry

in red ink.

hours and hours i spend

shoving earbuds in my ears,

and pressing play

trying to block out my thoughts with music.

my thoughts are the raging seas and the endless distractions are the dams.

how could you? i keep thinking.

how can you not understand?

don't give up on meKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat