meeting tori?

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I bought VIP tickets for Tori's show in Boston the day they went on presale. the show was originally supposed to be on June 20th but when there was about 10 days left until the concert I got a notification from Tori because she tweeted saying that the Boston show was postponed until July 3rd. I was in French class when I saw it and it felt like my heart stopped and my entire world was about to fall apart. Usually it wouldn't be that big of a deal right? because they just changed the date of the show, you still get to meet her, but I was supposed to leave to go to Florida to see my dad on June 30th. I literally couldn't stop crying I had to sit in the bathroom by myself for the rest of school because I couldn't keep myself together. when I got home I called my dad and told him the concert got postponed and that I needed him to reschedule my flight and he told me that my plane ticket was 'non refundable' and that he would have to cancel it and buy me a new one and that he didn't really have the money for that right now. after hanging up the phone my brother came in my room and asked me why I was crying. I told him and he told me "don't worry about it. you're going to meet Tori. I'll call your dad myself and if he still says no then i just won't let you go to Florida at all" so he called my dad and talked to him about it. my dad finally agreed even though he didn't want to and anyway. I cried so hard that day and it turned out to all be for nothing. anyway

I live in Maine so we had to travel to Boston which isn't that far away it's just like 4 hours. we went down the night before and we stayed in this very very classy hotel it was just super nice I still can't get over it. buuuut again anyway.

The day of the concert I felt so sick to my stomach for some reason I couldn't eat and I actually felt like I was going to vomit. We got to the venue and I saw Tori's name on the thingy and that was pretty cool. There was a line outside the venue but it wasn't that long. Me and my brother got in line and my brother went to get our tickets and stuff and after waiting for what seemed to be forever a rude lady came outside and separated everyone into two lines, people who had VIP and the people who were just going to the concert. Everyone who was going to the listening party started to go inside. when we got inside we showed them our tickets and they gave us our meet and greet passes and our laminates. we walked in and saw the stage and i saw all of her guitars and stuff. we were way off to the left but we were so close that i

was leaning against the stage, kinda. this man came out and he started telling us the rules and all that jazz then he told every one to yell "tori kelly' so she knows its time to come out. so we all yelled it, and she walked out like it was nothing. every one screamed but i didnt, i was in too much shock. I felt like was the only one who wasnt screaming or yelling. all that was going through my head was "omg shes real shes real shes real shes real" i was shaking so hard at this point i honestly couldnt even process anything she was saying. my brother tapped me and was like "are you okay?" and like all that came out was "her head looks bigger in person, maybe its the hair" haha idk she did like this really cute dance thing to i think either anyway or personal but i cant remember i just remember it being super cute. she also got distracted by someones shirt that had nsync on it. she answered my brothers question and that was pretty cool. the listening party ended in like 30 minutes or so, tori walked back stage and the same guy told everyone to go upstairs and line up for the meet and greet and thats what everyone did. but I saw Toris dad leaning up against the wall so of course I had to say hi to him. As i walked over to him i said hello and my brother like shook his hand and stuff and he asked us what our names were and where we were from. i told him my name but i froze and my brother started like talking to him about where we were from and Allwyn like asked him if there any good venues where we live that tori could do a show or something. So after my brother talked to him for like 5 minutes (they were like besties i swear) i was like "im freaking out" and allwyn was like "its okay" or something like that, i dont even remember saying that to him but my brother told me i did so i dont know. anyway, we figured we should go upstairs to get in to meet Tori. we were dead last in line except for the tea with tori winners of as the line got clser and
closer to her I started like shaking and crying, i dont even understand all of the emotions i was having. so when we got super close to her my brother went in and after he was done talking to her and taking his picture it was my turn to go in and my heart stopped. I walked up to her and she was like 'hii' in a super sweet tone and she hugged me. I said something like "Im sorry im so nervous" but my voice was shaking
so hard that I dont think she even understood what I said. so she gave me another hug and at this point i was crying so so hard and l said "i dont
know if you know me but im torikellytho on instagram" and after i said that he face lit up and she did that little silent scream thing she does and was like "oh my god thats you? im fangirling right now. I like your pictures all the time your amazing!" after that i started crying even more if that was possible so she gave me another hug and said "so do you want to hug in the picture?" and l didnt really process what she said so i went in for a normal hug and wasnt looking at the camera so she said "no no no you gotta look at the camera' so i did and i dont remember even looking at the girl that took the photo and thats why my picture came out like trash because i was barely smiling but whatever i dont even care about my picture. I had a letter i had written her that basically said how much she means to me and blah blah blah because i knew i wasnt going to be able to say any of that stuff to her in
person. I handed her my letter and said
"please promise youll read this? and she was like 'oh my gosh of course i promise, pinky promise?" then she pinky promised me and put the letter on the table with all the gifts people gave her. then she gave me one last
hug and i had to walk away. as soon as i started walking away i didnt even want to look back because i knew it was going to make me even more emotional then i already was. my brother was standing there talking to allwyn again and i was bawling my eyes out so daniel (my brother) had to give me a hug because i couldnt keep myself together and I heard tori go "aw i wish could give her another hug" and then daniel
walked me downstairs and i
got myself together, i was such a mess. but after all that the show started and it was absolutely incredible and Tori killed it as always. I can't thank her enough for everything and it was just amazing over all so yeah. sorry this was all over the place I just felt like I needed to share the experience in full.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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Meeting Tori (meeting Tori Kelly experience)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum