Chapter 20

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The whole time writing this chapter, I was blushing. And I must have been blushing really hard if my family could see it and I'm black. Well...not just because I'm black. Because of the color of my skin, it's hard to see if I'm blushing.

Okay! Whoo....get ready. :)


When his lips touched mine, I felt a fire ignite in my body, starting from my arm where he touched me, and spreading throughout my whole body.

My arms acting on their own will, reached up and wound around his neck, tugging him closer.

He responded, one arm reaching up to my neck, the other one wound around my waist, molding my body to the shape of his.

This didn't feel awkward, weird, and it certainly didn't feel wrong.

This felt perfect and right.

The realization of us still being in the hallway made its way into my mind, making me falter a little.

"Audry..." Peter whispered, his voice husky (A/N: oh god...jesus christ.)

Hearing his voice say my name like that, made something snap inside of me.

I reconnected his lips back with mine, all the while, pulling him inside of my room.

When we heard the click of the door closing, I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Everywhere he touched me, it's like another fire was lit.

His arms were still around my waist, as he effortlessly carried me to my bed, before gently laying me down on it.

I grabbed his collar, pulling him closer to me, feeling the heat of his body through the dress.

I barely noticed his hand reaching up and start undoing the buttons to his button up shirt, until my hand felt skin.

Toned, smooth skin.

His hands traveled up my lace covered arma and up to my shoulders.

There was a 'rip' sound, and the shoulders of the dress fell off of my body.

"This wasn't my dress, Peter." I whispered, tangling my fingers in his hair.

His breath fanned across my collarbone as he leaned over me, holding himself up on his forearms.

"I'm sorry. I've been wanting to do that all night." I slightly shivered at his words, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

As Peter started kissing along my collarbone, his breathing fanning over it, images vividly flashed across my mind.

I gasped as visions of Peter and....I flashed through.

Visions of us...meeting. Him helping me with my costume. Us two being recruited into S.H.I E.L D. The rest of the team. Amas.

Me fighting Amas in a....farmhouse.

All of it.

Peter stopped upon hearing me gasp, sitting back.

"Audry? What's wrong? Am I going too far?" He tried pulling back, my hands entangled in his hair stopping him from doing so.

"Peter....I remember...everything."



I hope you liked this chapter,and I hope it wasn't too....graphic for some. Love you allll


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