1:Meet Hannah Logan

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Olivia Holt as Hannah Logan

I'm running around in circles, and so does the sparkling pink unicorns trailing behind me. Just when I was going to pick the candy canes and piles of licorice lying on the sidewalk of Rainbow street, a very big shadow loomed over me. I looked up at the pink sky and saw a very big...
"John Cenaaaa!!"
My eyes opened from the piercing scream and removed my head from the tangled white sheets of my bed. "What are you doing in my room, you freak?!"
"I'm going to eat all the bacon 'till there's nothing left for you!"
I groaned so I could remove all signs of sleepiness in my eyes and so I could get rid of my twelve-year old pain in the ass brother sooner. It was the best dream I had in months and that freaking nincompoop decided to scream a wrestler's name in my ears.

"I'm going to kill you!" I tried to get up as fast as possible but chasing after your little brother half-awake isn't the best idea.

My body tumbled, rather ungracefully, on my bedroom floor with a loud thud. The ass ran laughing dowstairs with a camera in his hands while I look like a wild animal chasing after its prey.

My steps echoed through the whole house, the sounds of my slippers on the wooden floor were like bangs on a gong. When I reached the laughing ass with the video camera on his grip, I was about to launch at him when he went behind my father, who seems that he doesn't enjoy our behavior.
"It was her dad! She said she'll kill me when I tried to wake her up."
"Wake me up?! You almost destroyed my ears, do you call that waking up?!"
When there was no response from either my parents, the kitchen went to a complete silence. Neither of me nor my sibling is defended, we both lose the war.
"Neither of me nor my sibling is defended, we both lose the war."
"Hey! That was my line! You were just supposed to talk when I'm gonna win." I said.
"As if you'll ever win..."he muttered under his breath.

Both of us closed our mouths in an instant, but we're still glaring at each other. My eyes glanced at the camera he was holding at his left hand. I'm gonna get that device and rip it...

I let out a defeated sigh and took a seat on the dining table, putting a couple of bacon and eggs on my plate. The usual breakfast talk over the dining table came back after a momentary silence, and my brother Jack took a seat beside me with a defeated look on his face.

"Look at them honey, they look awfully alike." I heard my mother whisper into my father, who has a happy grin on his face as he inspected us both. Jack gasped beside me so I think he heard it too.

"I'd rather die than have her ugly face," the ass muttered under his breath but loud enough for me to hear.
"Why aren't you in your room, sleeping like the ugly giant you are? Your school won't start till next week." I asked, keeping my words as decent as possible for the sake of my parents.

"I just thought I'll make your breakfast miserable by taking your bacon." He muttered as he snatched a piece of food in my plate and placed it in his mouth. I didn't mind because I still have a lot of food left.
"We made really good kids, didn't we honey?" Dad asked to mom, sending her a wink before giving her a long kiss.

Jack and I looked at each other with disgusted look on our faces and said eew in front of our parents making out, not even disturbed by the fact that their own kids were in front of them.

I ate my breakfast rather quickly, gulping each food in my throat so I could get out of the kitchen sooner. Watching your parents shove their tongues in each other's throat, is not some sight to see.

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