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 Darkness in my heart,when I don't see you there is darkness

in my heart.And a big disappointment comes in my mind

while black tears,of my black eyeliner run through my cheeks

and I wonder why you hate me so much,despite that you don't know me,

and you never come to see you even for one last time before I fall

into the OBLIVION FOREVER.....

 And I promise myself that I will think of you never again...

But who am I kidding;I cannot take you out of my mind,not even

for a moment;everything I hear,everything I see it remainds me of you.

Call me insane if you want but I will always have you in my heart 


 I know that you don't care about me,not a little bit,but I still

think about you and I wonder that if this feeling inside my heart,

is true LOVE........

 If I only had the chance to know you better,if I only had 

the courage to speak to you,then everything maybe would be 

different for me and maybe for you too....

 Now I am lost in my non existent,fantastic world in which I am truly happy

inside your arms my handsome prince;and I cannot escape from

this world nor that I want to..But deep inside me I truly know

that this miraculous world,my very own OBLIVION will

never exist in real life...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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