Chapter 19- Photograph

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Chapter 19- Photograph

I sat in the center of the room surrounded by white walls and infinite boxes. I've been going through every box wondering I should throw out and which ones I should keep and cherish for the rest of my life. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep everything. I was so tempted on lighting everything on fire and watch it be consumed by the flames. Each box was filled with something new.

I finished unpacking my toiletries and kitchen utensils. I moved onto to the box that had 'miscellaneous' sloppily written on it. I grabbed the knife that was laying near me and stabbed the box to open it. Had to get my anger out one way, right? Inside laid picture frames and figurines. I felt my whole body shake as I picked up one of the frames. It was of Kendall and I before we became a couple. We were sitting in Kevin's room talking. Kevin had taken the picture to make memories, also he had a new camera and wanted to test it out.

The second one was of prom. And it was terrible. His parents had bought the wrong suit and it was way to late to change it. His suit was a silvery color with velvet texture. Which didn't match my dress at all. My dress was a pastel purple with pink flowers. Then the corsage which was supposed to be pink and purple came out to be a hideous green and blue. The night was a mess. During the actual dance Christina purposely tripped and spilled the punch on me. It left the grossest grey spot on the dress.

The next photograph was when Kendall and I announced our engagement to our friends and family. Since Kevin was still into photography and was fortunately carrying his camera, he had gotten the best still of the announcement. The picture held the moment when mine and Kendall's hand were intertwined and just staring deeply into each other. We were both nervous of the thought. We knew we were both young but all we wanted was to spend the rest of our lives together. Because that totally happened.

The next frame was a recent one. We were on vacation with a couple of friends. We had gone to a beach near southern Florida and it was absolutely gorgeous. That night we were having a bone fire in front of the beach home that was being rented out. I had walked to the shore and just stared at the ocean that was glistening with light of the moon and stars. Kendall was right behind me, he grabbed his phone and snapped a picture. I wasn't looking at the camera but staring into the distance. I've never felt more at peace with him.

The last frame in the box that wasn't family or friends was one of us at our wedding. It was the picture of our first dance as a wedded couple. As cheesy as it was, our song was 'thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran. Our bodies were pressed so close together that it looked like we were glued to each other. My dress flowed around near my knees and the lighting made everything seem like out of a movie.

After going through every thing in that box, I came to realize that it'll never be the same. I may never fall in love a love again. He is my forever. Well was. I never imagined my life without him and now I had to live it. It was painful.

These pictures are just a happy memory stuck in a sad part of time. I wasn't sure if I should keep these pictures. I could go out and burn them. But this is the only memory of him I'll have.

I wonder if anything he said ever meant anything. Did he really love me? Were these pictures real? Do they hold an emotion? Do they hold the emotion I felt during it? Was the vacation picture really hold the happiness and content I felt? Or was it just an illusion?

I didn't want to throw them out or burn them. So I'll just keep them. I placed the ones that held the past in the box and pushed them to a side. They'd probably end up in the closet somewhere.

The next box was labeled 'high school' and I knew exactly what do with it. This box held every happy little thing that happened in our relationship during school. I grabbed the box and dragged it into the kitchen. I emptied the box out into the sink and picked or what I was keeping like a necklace and various pictures of friends. I then opened the drawer that contained various tools in case of emergencies. I pulled out a small box and then closed the draw again before going back to the sink. I opened the box and grabbed a match. I then striked the match against the box a couple times before it lit up. As It began to consume, I dropped it into the sink. Slowly but surely everything in the sink started to be consumed by the flames. Who needs memories anyways?

"What are you doing?!" I heard someone yell. I wasn't sure who since I was busy watching the flames eat away at the past. I was pulled out of my trance when I was being pulled back and someone was putting out the flames.

"Why, why did you do that?" I asks realizing it was Vic who was pulling out burned pieces of paper out of the sink into the trash can.

"You could've burn the place down! That fire was out of control!" He was screaming. That was a first. But I didn't react, I felt numb. "What were you thinking?" I really wasn't thinking.

"I needed to get rid of ever thing that he did to me. All the nice, happy things. Because we're not happy anymore." I replied quietly. I looked up to see his features soften.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I just feel like I need to take care of you and the baby." He said while walking closer and caging me in his arms.

"It's okay. I should've been careful and not set things on fire." He just chuckled and let go before going into the living room to help unpack.

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still

I wish that would apply now.


《Hey guys, I know I usually never write notes but I just wanted to say something. I love getting feedback. But it seems to never happen. I'm literally in the dark. Do you guys like it? Hate it? Don't care? I want to know. I never ask for comments or votes. But I would like a form of feedback. You don't have to but I would appreciate it.

Our Intermission  (Kendall Schmidt)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora