Chapter one

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I entered Freddy Fazbear's horror attraction for my fifth night as the security guard. I work the night shift, and soon this place will no longer exist. As I entered the building I realised the only robot,they had here, has not been moving. My shift started and I decided to wander like the robots do in the stories of the past night guards. As I was walking I discovered a new room that had no security cameras in it. While examining the room I found the golden rabbit looking robot sitting agents the wall with his knees to his chest and looking down.As I walked closer to him carefully, his ear ,and what was left of the other one shot strate up, as well as his head, causing me to jump back and almost run out of the room. But I decided to approach the animatronic because it didn't move to attack me, like in the stories or when the ventilation systems fail and cause me to hallucinate. I got closer and knelt down,I noticed that people would throw their trash at him, I even found some glass shards amongst all of the electrical wires and stuff.As I started pulling the trash out of him he gave me what looked like a look of shock, I pretended not to notice and started pulling a straw out of one of the holes in the fabric of the suit leading to the endo-skelington. The straw got caught on something within him, and that was when he moved,grabbing the straw to help me pull the straw out of him.

When the 6am bell rang, I gathered my stuff and left, walking home as usual. As I was walking home, I couldn't stop thinking about that animatronic.'what is it about that robot that people hate? I mean I very much dislike it, but why would they hate him so much that they would trash him?' I thought as I was walking home.

It was my last night as the night guard and as expected my stupid balloon boy hallucination appeared, tonight was a lot tougher than the others,because now I had to keep an eye on Springtrap. I started to use the security cameras when I heard a bang that sounded like metal banging against the concrete floor. I put the cameras down and see springtrap right up at the window . I screamed out in fright and fall back words, the force of me falling was so hard that warm liquid started to flow from my head as I lost consciousness.

I woke up on something cold and hard,my head hurt like crazy and I was freezing. I sniffed the air,it was damp and moist.I opened my eyes and saw I was still in the place that seemed worse than hell itself. As I looked around the room I was in, I saw that golden rabbit.'Yep definitely still in this hell hole' I thought as I put a hand up to the back of my head.'what is this thing? Was I trying to be Rambo earlier,and wound up fighting that robot? or...' my memory came back, the memory of that night.

"Why did you-" I stoped when I hierd people coming into the building. The animatronic bunny was sitting on the floor leaning on the table. I got up and stumbled to the door, triping and falling into golden arms. I looked up and saw the rabbit had caught me to stop me from falling. I grumbled a thank you as he, I think, helped me to the bathrooms. He brought me into the women's and picked me up,placing me onto the counter and pulling out some cloth from one of the rips in his suit. He then gently made me look to the floor and undid the bandage thing on my head.'oh so that's why he came in here with me! He was replacing my bandage!' I thought as he tied the new piece of cloth around my head.

"Thank you." I said as I hopped off the counter and headed towards the office.'Wait did I just thanks a robot? what is going on today!?'

, I was getting weird stares from the visitors of the attraction as the robot rabbit helped me walk to the office. After I got my jacket and hair ty, I left the office and was trailing behind the rabbit.

'I wonder if his voice box is broken and that's why he won't speak. Heck I wonder if he IS a he and not a she.' I looked up at the golden bunny and noticed his head was down slightly.

" Hey you! Yea the dumbass animatronic!" a man called. He stepped out in front of the rabbit and started beating him. The robot just stood there and let the man punch him as if this was a daily thing and he couldn't do anything about it, I stayed back for most of it, until the man pulled out a beer bottle and smashed it on the robot.

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