I took off my cloak and draped it over my arms before crossing them over my chest sternly.  "Now, I don't care if you insult me about yesterday because I know my Magic doesn't always work.  I know that from experience many times over, and am not afraid to admit it.  But for you to bring Rian into it?  I just won't allow it."  I took a step forward, and they took a step back.  I smirked.  "Now, look at that.  You're just all bark and no bite.  Pick on me all you want, but leave my friend out of it."  Satisfied with my words, I grabbed my satchel bag off the desk and turned to go around them, when I bumped into a rather sturdy hard chest, and nearly fell back if it wasn't for the hand on my waist.  I winced at the contact since my burn was still healing, and looked up.

Prefect Eli stood towering over me, and I stared up into his bright blue eyes that were looking down at me with. . .pride?  I winced as his fingers dug into my waist, and he hastily removed his hand, remembering what he had done to me yesterday, and cleared his throat while muttering quietly so only I could hear, "Aqua Clero."  A sudden cooling sensation filled my right hip, and I sighed.  That felt really good on my burn.  I blinked up at Eli in surprise, since he had been the one to cast the spell, and found him smiling softly down at me when his expression turned back into a mask once I had caught him doing so.  I frowned.  Why would he hide his smile from me?  "To your seats.  I'll be taking over your class for today," Eli ordered everyone else in the room, including a small glare over my shoulder at the three girls as everyone stumbled to their seats.  I grinned.  "You, too, Gardens."

I frowned.  "It's Gwen," I mumbled, before heading over to my seat beside Rian.  I smiled at my friend.  "Hey."

Rian smiled over at me gratefully.  "Hey.  Thanks for defending me back there."

I blushed and draped my cloak over the back of my chair.  "You saw that?"

Rian grinned widely.  "Everyone saw that."  I blushed harder.  Rian gestured with his head over at the front of the room.  "The Prefect had just walked in when they started talking about me being infected and you with the frogs yesterday."  I frowned.  Rian shrugged and removed his cloak as well as he draped it over his chair.  "They're right, you know."  I punched his arm.  "Ow!"

"That's not true."  I glared at him.  "I don't believe a word of it, and neither should you.  We've been over this, Rian."

Rian looked down at his desk and nodded.  "I know, but when you've had years to deal with it, it kinda becomes a habit."  I frowned just as Prefect Eli spoke over us.

"Now today we will be going outside to practice Attack Spells, so please leave your cloaks behind and meet me in the Courtyard."  Prefect Eli left the room then, and everyone hurriedly removed their cloaks before heading out the door, wands in hand.  I stood up with my teal-blue wand that almost looked silver in my hand, and glanced over to see Rian standing up as well with his navy blue wand in hand.

I grinned and looped my free arm through his.  "Let's get going."  With a small nod, Rian and I exited the Classroom arm-in-arm as we met everyone else out in the Courtyard as Prefect Eli instructed.

"Now what you're going to do is pair up into groups of two and practice all the Attack Spells you know on each other.  No serious injuries will be tolerated by which Spell you use, and if caused a serious injury, you will be sent straight to the Headmaster for punishment.  Is that clear?"  Everyone nodded.  "Good.  Then get to work.  You have thirty minutes.  Go."

Everyone immediately paired off, the three girls from before giving me a sideways glare as they walked past, and I felt Rian drag us off in a different direction, away from the crowds of our classmates until we found a section of Courtyard all to ourselves.  I frowned.  "Do you know of any Attack Spells?"

Burning Butterfly (Prefect #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz