The Arctic grows Restless...

438 8 14

|Ultima POV|

Ultima : Where am i?

I woke up, in a vivid dream of mine. it was 3 days after our confrontation with Azur Lane at the abandoned Island... and now i have woken up in a pitch black landscape... one void of any kind of structure or matter... a Void like area...

Ultima : What the... A pitch Black area?

I then floated around the area, like a fish in the water following the currents, I looked to the distance seeing a golden light... one bright enough to outshine the Sun in the morning Sky...

Traveller, it seems you have been chosen for us!A voice Spoke, one which is a calm and little childish

Ultima : Hah?! Who's there!!

I was caught of guard by the voice before getting ready to fight anything, before realizing the sound came from the golden light, it dimmed and revealed to be a curled up creature, a wyvern possibly?

Ultima : A Dragon? No no... a Wyvern... but why is it here? why in my dream...

This is no dream Traveller... or should i say Ultima? A now different voice said, this one sounded more aggressive

Ultima : How do you know of my name?! And why is it now a different voice?

Because we are 3, we are brothers! A third voice, one with the most command announced

What? Now i am confused and don't know what is even happening, I then saw the Wyvern start to move and grow bigger... gaining 2 heads and an additional tail

Ultima : What the... what are you?

We are the one who is Many! the 3 Voices Spoke at the same time

Ultima : So... why am i here? Why would you appear in my dreams?

We have already said it, you have been chosen for us, The commanding voice spoke

Ultima : What? Chosen... for what? To be your friend? Warrior?

The Commanding voice let out a small sigh, one which is sounded when you have just awoken from your slumber

No, you Ultima, you have been chosen to be our Vessel!

Ultima : Your Vessel?! You will take control of me?!!

I looked shocked, but then snapped out of the shock and prepared to fight the unknown voice, however i still dont know the true identity. But then I heard a chuckle from the calm and childish voice

No no no, my brother meant it as we will be apart of you, we will be your friend or your animal spirit! we wont take control of you, it is like your sister Kaga and her Big blue fox! The Calm and Childish one says

Ultima : How do you know my sister? How do you... even know of her powers?

We have been on this planet for millions of years, Millenia in fact. We have seen everything and have lived long enough to see events that even your kin have not discovered yet. Even these Sirens have not lived as long as Us or them! The Commanding Voice Said

Ultima : Millions of years... and what do you mean... by "them"?

We ain't alone Ultima! There are others like us and some of them want to destroy this planet! We once did but we changed our minds when a new threat appeared! That is why we need your help! The Aggressive voice spoke

Ultima : So you guys need me as your vessel? This is confusing...

I looked upon the Wyvern now growing brightly and unwrapping fully, not able to see the full shape as the glow of the light shined through my eyes, blinding them like the bright Sun

Azur lane : The Golden Reaper (younger brother)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora