Filler 1 - The Store Incident

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*After a long night of drinking and smoking, Sam and Elisha finally wake up at 3 p.m.*

Elisha: Holy shit dude wake up!

Sam: 5 more minutes...

Elisha: ugh.... I'm going to the store. I need cigarettes. Do whatever you want, I don't care.

Sam: Fineee.. I'll come.

*Sam dresses up and sees Elisha looking at a skirt deviously*

Sam: Don't you dare.

Elisha: Fuck.. hey look! Communists!

Sam: huh? Where?

*Elisha wears the skirt and runs to the store*

Sam: You little twink.....

*Sam catches up to him*

Elisha: I'm gonna buy Morlbara.

Sam: Don't you but anything else?

Random girl: Hey you two look cute together! Are you a couple?

*Sam and Elisha slowly turn to the girl and after a few minutes the whole store is blown up by them*

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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