Celeste and the Starlight Cafe

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Celeste and the Starlight Cafe

Celeste sighed as she wiped down the counter of the Starlight Cafe. It had been a long day, but she took pride in keeping the small cafe tidy and welcoming for her customers. As she finished up, the bell on the door jingled, signaling a new arrival.

Celeste looked up and felt her breath catch in her throat. A beautiful woman with long, dark hair and striking green eyes had just walked in. "Welcome to the Starlight Cafe," Celeste greeted her warmly. "How can I help you?"

The woman smiled shyly. "Hi, I'm Claire. I was hoping to get a hot chocolate, if that's alright?"

"Of course!" Celeste quickly set to work preparing the rich, creamy drink. As she worked, she snuck glances at Claire, captivated by her gentle beauty. There was something about this woman that drew Celeste in.

When the hot chocolate was ready, Celeste carefully carried it over to Claire's table. "Here you are," she said, her fingers brushing against Claire's as she handed her the mug.

"Thank you," Claire replied, her cheeks flushing slightly. She took a sip of the drink, her eyes lighting up. "This is delicious!"

Celeste beamed. "I'm so glad you like it." She hovered by the table, unsure if she should leave or continue talking to this captivating stranger.

Claire looked up at her, a shy smile on her lips. "Would you...would you like to join me?" she asked tentatively.

Celeste's heart soared. "I'd love to," she said, quickly grabbing a chair and sitting down across from Claire. The two women spent the next hour talking and laughing, losing themselves in each other's company.

As Celeste walked Claire to the door when it was time to close up, she felt a surge of courage. "Would you...would you like to get dinner with me sometime?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Claire's face lit up with a brilliant smile. "I'd love that," she replied. The two women exchanged numbers, both giddy with the promise of a future date.

As Celeste watched Claire leave, she couldn't help but feel that this was the start of something truly special. The Starlight Cafe had just become her new favorite place.

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