Kol was watching television when Persephone got back to the house. "How was the first day of lab?" he asked her as he snacked on popcorn.

"Fine. We didn't really learn anything. You sure you don't want to enroll?"

"What could they have to teach me?"

"An abundance of things. The pursuit of knowledge is life long. Even in someone who lives forever. What do you plan on doing every day?"

"Well I have forever to figure that out. Kind of the point of being a vampire, right?" Persephone had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"I saw Bonnie today. She invited us to grab dinner tonight."

"Us or you?"

"Us. So I'll get dressed around five and we'll leave right after."

"So I don't have a choice?"

"Of course you do," she said, then headed to her room but then walked back, "Aren't the first parts of a relationship supposed to be the honeymoon phase where everyone is happy? Why does it feel like this?" Kol looked up at her for the first time since she walked in. Really looked at her.

"I don't know. But I mean we're not like other couples. They don't have five years of baggage together." She nodded and chewed on her lip but didn't say anything else.

Persephone got to the diner later that night alone. Kol wasn't ready when she was and she didn't feel like getting into an argument. He didn't give up on her when a lot of people had. She had to give him credit for that. Bonnie and Matt were already sitting in a booth when she arrived with a plate of fries in front of them. "I'm not late, right?" she asked and they both looked up.

"No. You know we like something to eat while we decide," Bonnie said then craned her neck to look behind Persephone, "No Kol?"

"He was busy."

"Doing what? Is he enrolled?" Bonnie asked.

"Umm, no. Not yet, at least. He's just trying to figure out what he wants to do." Bonnie nodded.

"So when did you get back?"

"Two weeks ago? I was in Yellowstone where I'd been staying and Kol was following me. He helped me when some witches tried to trap me."

"And you just decided to return?" Persephone raised her shoulders in a shrug.

"School is all I know. Thought it would be a good place to start. Plus Nik rented the house for me for another year and a half so there's that. Where are you both living?"

"We got an apartment off campus with Beverly, that girl from my Spanish class in the first year."

"Oh. I didn't know you were still friends," Persephone hadn't made friends with anybody the first time she'd been at Whitmore. Things were still fresh from Kol's death and surviving was hard enough.

"Persephone?" a voice asked and Persephone looked over to see her lab partner.

"Oh. Hi, Leto," she said to him. Bonnie looked over at the guy curiously. Leto just stood like he was waiting to be introduced but Persephone never moved to do so.

"Hi, I'm Leto, I'm Persephone's lab partner for Biological Anthropology." Bonnie reached out her hand and they shook them.

"I'm Bonnie, Persephone's older sister. This is my boyfriend, Matt." Matt shook Leto's hand too, "Are you here with friends?"

"Actually I just transferred this semester. So no friends."

"Who transfers in college, mid-semester?" Persephone asked suspiciously.

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