Chapter 03: I'm just checking you out

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"It's okay to cry, it doesn't make you weak, it only makes you stronger to endure the pains of future."

My father embraced my trembling body as my sobbed in his arms. Tears of self-doubt and the feeling of being undeserving was eating me alive.

I was falling weak when all I wished for was to rise back stronger and never fall down again.

Who could help me?

Even I, myself can't help myself then how would anyone else help a broken person like me.

"I don't know what to do, I'm so weak." I said with a broken voice.

My father caressed my back soothingly and lift my chin up, looking at me in the eyes, he said. "Stop crying now, you are not weak. You are strong, come," he brought me infront of the mirror and pointed to my reflection in it. "Look at that girl, do you like crying and doubting yourself? Look at her tears, they are being wasted over a useless thought of unworthyness. So stop now my dear, I know it hurts, but what hurts more is that you are not happy with yourself."

I remember when I was young and felt like crying or felt bad about something, I'd come and stand infront of the mirror and look at myself for a minute. Then I'd eventually wipe my tears and stop crying because I didn't want to cry.

My father kisses my forehead before leaving my chamber and I just stood there, wondering if my thoughts were actually useless.

But I didn't want to think about this, so I turned away from the mirror and my eyes fell on the handkerchief that was messily kept on my bedside table.

I looked at it and I knew what I wanted to do.


Lisa's POV:

It was 5:30 p.m. now, time to go back home.

Today was a hectic day and I am so exhausted, can't wait to go home and sleep peacefully.

Biding farewell to the school security guards at the gate, I stepped out of the school premises and then I was greeted by someone very unexpected.

What was Princess Kim doing here?

"Good afternoon Lisa!" She enthusiastically waved to me and I waved back, not as enthusiastic as her.

"What are you doing here Princess Kim?" I asked her with confusion written all over my face.

"Can't I come to meet whoever I want?" She asked in a playful tone.

"You can, bye!" I was exhausted to the point that even speaking was tiring now, so I said bye and started walking away from her but she ran after me and I decided to slow down my pace, I shouldn't be rude.

She caught up with me and walked silently by my side. She was observing my way of walking, my clothes and my face like she was a Scientist and I was some microorganism.

"Is something wrong with me Princess Kim? Why are you looking up and down at me?"

"Oh no, I'm just checking you out." She blurted out, making me gasp and stop dead in my track.


Looking at my wide eyes and open mouth she just realised what she said and immediately started panicking, trying to cover up.

"No no! Not like that! I swear Lisa." She pleaded to me with her puppy eyes and I couldn't help but giggle at the fact that I had a princess plead to me.


"Thanks Princess Kim. Atleast now I know that I look good enough for a princess to be 'checking' me out." I chuckled at her nervous-self as she looked extremely embarrassed.

I mean, Who wouldn't be?

The tension between us disappeared and we were both relaxed now, just walking beside each other in the sunny afternoon.

Sensing her hesitance to speak, I took the initiative to do so and very gently and carefully put an arm around her shoulder.

"May I know is I am the whoever you wanted to meet?" I asked, not looking at her.

"Yes, you are. I wanted to return your handkerchief that you gave me." She took out a handkerchief in her pocket and I recognised that it was mine and took it.

"Just this?" I raised an eyebrow at her and looked down at her face since she was shorter than me.

"Yes. Just this."

I don't know why but her straightforwardness kind of makes me like her more and it also makes me laugh.

"Then I think I should probably go home, I am tired!" I took my arm off her shoulder and massaged it to show exactly how tired I was.

She nodded and we parted ways, ready to bid goodbye.

She said her goodbye and started to walk her direction but I held her wrist to stop her.

"Thank you for giving this back, but I think you need it more than I do, since it's pretty hot today. You can keep it." I gave my handkerchief back to her and she galdly took it before giving me a beautiful smile and walking away.

I can't believe I took so long to update this. I am currently overflowing with book ideas and I keep making covers for it so I totally forgot about updating this because I didn't know what to write. But now I know, so I'mma write.

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