Chapter 1

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Emily's POV
This whole mess started one night at a bar. We had a pretty tough case, so we all thought it would be wise to get something to drink. When we arrived and sat down, the horrible events of the past few days came crashing on us all, so nobody was in a really good mood. However, we had the amazing Penelope Garcia with us, and she was famous for making people feel better when they were down.
Her, and alcohol.
Hotch didn't drink so much because he had to get home to Jack, and Rossi was feeling tired, so he left pretty early too. But me, JJ, Morgan, Reid, and Garcia we there till one am. Reid and Garcia weren't drinking so much but JJ, Morgan, and I were wasted. At one point we had some stupid contest, but the loser had to drink three shots at once, and at least two of them had to be vodka. I was so happy I didn't lose, I felt bad for JJ though. I really wanted Morgan to be the loser since his ego is gigantic, and he keeps going around telling people how he never loses. After this game, we sat down at a booth and talked and laughed and gossiped, and I felt so good. Much better than my stomach in the morning for that matter.

Anyway, I was sitting in one of the booth corners with Reid to my left, JJ to my right, and Morgan with Garcia sitting close together next to JJ. We were mostly speaking all together but sometimes we broke into pairs or small groups. JJ excused herself to the bathroom, and when I asked if she was okay, she nodded and smiled so I didn't follow her. When she came back she sat very close to me, so our shoulders were touching. I tried hard not to move or make a sound. She had this effect on me lately, and I hated it. Even if I liked her (which I don't) we could never be together because of Will.
And why am I even thinking about this? She is my best friend that's what she is, I thought.

Some debate about why Rossi had to leave so early was going on and maybe because three out of the five of us were wasted, we were pretty invested.
"Maybe he is going to a different party," Morgan suggested.
"I bet he went to see wife number five," I said.
"Honey, he 'only' had three," JJ said and giggled "but nice one".
I was a bit taken back by the nickname, but I didn't say anything.
"I know he did I just like teasing him about it, too bad he's not here," I said.
"I bet he is getting some right now though because there is no other reason to leave this group than kids and sex," JJ said.
"Alright, maybe we should chill with the drinks from now on huh?" Garcia suggested, suppressing a laugh.
"Yeah guys I've had enough, also it's getting really late," Morgan said standing up "and I think you did too," he pointed at me and JJ.
"Oh come on don't ruin the fun I'm enjoying myself," JJ disagreed.
"Actually, I think I'm going to head out too it's really late," Read said as he stood up.
"And then there were three," I smiled raising my drink into the air.
"Yeah about that..." Garcia whispered moving closer to the guys "I need to run some errands in the morning and coffee can only do so much," she finished, also standing up.
"Oh don't tell me you are going to bail on me too," JJ asked in a disappointed tone when she saw me looking at her.
"I would never," I smiled at her and raised my drink again "Off you go then bye-bye kids" I laughed.
"God you two are so childish and stubborn sometimes," Morgan said picking up his jacket "but that's also one of the many reasons I love you," he said smiling. We all said our goodbyes and then it was just me and JJ.

We talked some more and we were just enjoying ourselves when JJ turned to me.
"Did I ever tell you your eyes have the most beautiful brown color I've ever seen?"JJ asked me putting a strand of my hair behind my ear "It's like the color of autumn leaves and chocolate." I couldn't breathe when she was looking at me like that. I wanted to tell her I liked hers too, but she wasn't looking at my eyes anymore- she was looking at my lips. I wanted to kiss her so badly at that moment but then I realized who I was looking at.

JJ had Will, she had a freaking husband at home and maybe worst of all, she was my best friend. I forced myself to think I didn't like her over the years, but now having her in front of me like this woke me up. I liked her alright. I felt so relieved that I finally allowed myself to think this, but I was mostly mad at myself. I sat up and tried to get my thoughts straight.
If I kiss her right now she'll either pull away and things will be awkward, or she will kiss me back and regret it later and she'll push me away.
So if I kiss her right now we will never happen, and I will probably lose her entirely. Great, I thought disappointedly. I have to play my cards right.

I lifted her chin with my finger so she would look me in the eyes again. "I like your eyes too Jayje it's like looking into the ocean" I smiled at her. She was about to say something else when the bartender called out. "We'll be closing in five minutes, everybody pack your stuff and leave please!"
"Noo I don't want to go home yet, I'm having fun!" JJ whined.
"We can go to a club if you want?" I suggested. "Yes let's dance!" JJ shrieked excitedly.
We paid and headed out, looking for an open club.

Just normal co-workers- a Jemily storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt