x. Why do you come back?

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Why do you come back?

Why do you come back?

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'✭.<Lenora Salvatore>.*•
I'm only hurting myself

Unfortunately I wasn't able to stay after school to hang out with Olive and Reka due to me being grounded, which we always have a sleepover on the weekends but now I can't even do that.

I had walked home and when I arrived home my parents were sitting in the living room with many suitcases. "We have important business out of town so we will be gone for the whole weekend. I hope you know that even with us still find you are still grounded." I nodded and was going to turn head up to my room before I heard dad clearing his throat.

"One more thing, Salma is going to be taking care of you." Salma has been my nanny since I was born but come on I'm seventeen now i don't need a babysitter; Salma waved to me where I returned a soft smile. "Now we must go our valet is probably here. Ciao." They got up from their seat walking past me with their luggages.

"Go get freshened up, dinner should be done any moment now." Salma said as walked over to the kitchen. I did as told and went to shower changing into more comfortable clothes, especially now that my parents are gone.

I took my seat down at the dining table and Salma placed two plates down for the two of us. "So, Nora. How is school? Are you still seeing that boy?" She asked, I forgot that my parent 'quote on quote fired her for allegedly stealing one of my mothers jewelry which actually my mom gave it to me for keeping. "We aren't together anymore...he cheated on me."

She gasped, I looked at her confused before she grabbed my hand squeezing it, "you poor thing, is it Fernando. I always knew he was bad news." She said, I laughed and she let go of my hand. "Now eat up, I made it just how you like it." I love pesto.

Salma and I chatted for a little longer before she went upstairs to go to bed, I wasn't tired yet so I stood downstairs watching tv where there was a knock on the door. It was already late and it was raining intensely so I assumed it was thunder, until there was another.

I got up and slowly crept up to the door where I peaked through peephole and it was Rigel, he was soaking wet, and he was keeping himself up by the wall. I didn't want to leave him out for any longer so I opened the door...

"Rigel, what are doing here?" He looked up at me where I gasped. He had such a bad cut on his lip and he was completely out of breath. "Can I come in, please..." Why should I let him in after everything he has done to me, absolutely not.

"I'm sorry but you should just go home." I don't want to be fooled by him anymore, I tried to close the door but he pushed it back open shaking his head. "No...I don't want to go back. I don't want them to see me like this." As much as I wanted to tell him to leave, he really did seem like he didn't want to go back and I can't leave him alone in this weather. Damn you Rigel.

I let him in and when we walked in he fell to knees, he looked way more pale and looks like he was going to pass out. "What happened to you?" I asked. He startled mumbling and I couldn't understand him, he was burning up just like the last time. "Do you think you can go upstairs? We can go to my room.." He shrugged and he put arm around my shoulder. So I had to walk him up the stairs, which he was heavy as fuck.

After about a long time just trying to get him up the stairs we finally made it to my bedroom where we sat on my bed as i was still trying to hold him up. "I'll go get you a towel to dry yourself, okay. Just try not to fully lay down." He nodded and I got up to leave where I saw Salma standing from the stairs with two cups.

"Nora! I brought you some tea I'll go put it in your room." I immediately ran to stop her from entering and she looked at me confused. "I have this huge spill on my floor and I don't want you to slip in it." She looked at me trying to observe my body language which made me nervous. "So I'll take this and clean that up with this towel." I smiled and she stood there unable to say anything. I shut the door and sighed. "Close one." Rigel said.

I walked over and put the towel over his head to dry off his hair. "Here, take this tea it will warm you up." He slightly smiled before almost downing the whole thing. I checked his head again and he is still burning up. I took the tea away from him and placed it on my bed side table. "Do you mind?" I asked as I looked over to his white button up. He shook his head and I unbuttoned his shirt throwing over to my dirty clothes, as well with taking his shoes off. He began doing his button on his pants and i tried to make sure not to look.

He was only left in his boxers and i was so embarrassed, so i helped him lay back and began grabbing a pillow and a blanket to lay on the floor, "wait." He said, i looked at him confused trying to only look at him and not the fact that he is only in his boxers on my bed. "Can you lay next to me. Please." I was stunned, he looked desperate and as much as i wanted to say no my body willing moved next to him, he covered me in some of my blanket and laid his head on my shoulder. I laid there frozen as he put his arm around my waist. Slowly gliding his finger along my skin making me having goosebumps.

I adjusted myself and put my arm around him, I could feel his back muscles as I placed my hand on there, his skin was warm but comforting. He was like a teddy bear, a hot one physically and well temperature wise. Oh god, what has gone into me, this boy was just hurting me and now he is in my bed, with barely any clothing holding me. Why do you come back to me? Am I your scapegoat when Nica doesn't want anything to do with you?

I felt angry with myself before I felt a kiss on my collarbone then it trailed up to my neck, he held on my waist tightly where his hand slowly trailed under my shirt.

What are you doing to me Rigel....

𝘛𝘦 𝘢𝘮𝘰, 𝘧𝘢𝘳𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢 | 𝘙𝘐𝘎𝘌𝘓 𝘞𝘐𝘓𝘋𝘌Where stories live. Discover now