Chapter 34: First Impressions

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Blaze's POV:

I left the hospital after being discharged. I had actually faced a really bad allergic reaction after donating the blood, and now I had a really bad rash on my arm.

Luckily, I was wearing a long sleeve top and Cassie couldn't see it. I didn't want her to worry about me, since doctors told me that stress could potentially make her situation worse.

I winced as the band-aid shifted on my skin and pulled at my cut. I walked over to a few benches on the side of the car park and pulled out my phone.

ERIC: hey are u outside yet? We're almost there.

BLAZE: yea im waiting outside :>

ERIC: coolio, we'll be there in 5

BLAZE: mkay

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up. I readjusted my mask, and looked out into the distance. I tried to find any cars that looked similar to the one I saw when Cassie went home the other day. I sighed and decided to text Eric again, only to realise he was typing a message.

ERIC: we're here, where u at?

BLAZE: im near the main entry

ERIC: welp its rlly crowded over there, ill get out and try to find u

BLAZE: lol okay

I looked up, craning my head over the horde of cars. I could catch a glimpse of a few normal people walking, and I eventually saw a guy who looked like Eric. I stood up and tried to get his attention by waving at him. Eric finally saw me and began to run over in my direction.

"Blaze!" He called.

"Yeah!" I smiled to myself as he ran over to me.

He came closer and nearly crashed me over with a large embrace.

"Thank you so, so much for saving my sister!" He whispered.

"Hey, it's okay." I laughed, pulling apart from the tight hug.

"No, seriously." He smiled. "Come, I'll lead you to the car."

"Sure." I shrugged.

"So, how did the blood donor go?" Eric asked.

"It was okay, but I got a minor allergic reaction." I shrugged.

"Wait, what? Are you okay?" Eric's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I'm fine! I just have a small rash." I lied.

In reality, I actually had a really big rash on my arm, red and itchy. The nurses kept me back to make sure nothing more serious happened with my reaction. As it turned out, there was something in their equipment that made me react to it.

"Okay! Also, my parents are absolutely dying to know you better! Ever since they knew you were one of Cassie's friends and the one who saved her life, they really want to know you!" Eric chirped.

"Oh, okay." I said.

God, I hope they don't ask about my clothing or mask...

If they do, I'm screwed. Unless I create a good excuse, they're going to find out.

You know what's bad about that?


All of the blame will be put on me, and this time, mum might not spare any mercy and just cut off my miserable life, not that I would care if she ever did.

Masked Truths: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now