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Days later.

Even if Lan Xichen noticed Jiang Cheng's nonchalance toward this marriage between them, he didn't say anything. After all, he actually can't provide the necessary thing in this marriage – love, especially toward Jiang Cheng as he has already given his heart to someone else. So, who is he to question Jiang Cheng about his attitude toward their marriage?

Lan Xichen heaved a sigh as he watched the people come and go on the street. There is a smile on their faces. Today is a 'day off' for him so he went to the Lotus Pier to see Jiang Cheng. He arrived not long ago, but hearing that Jiang Cheng was busy, he chose to go somewhere else first to wait instead of going inside the Lotus Pier to wait there since Jiang Cheng would definitely have to 'entertain' him, which Lan Xichen doesn't want to.

Well, even if they are already husbands and have become a family, there is still a distance between them thus they are treating each other with courtesy. Even if they go to each other's sects, they would treat each other as a guest. It is not as if Lan Xichen has thought of narrowing this distance between him and Jiang Cheng, as their behavior towards each other is just so wrong. Even if they don't love each other, there is no need to be so courteous to each other as if they are strangers to each other.

And so, Lan Xichen came here again, but this time it was to give a 'gift' to Jiang Cheng. Since he wanted to personally hand it to Jiang Cheng, he chose to wait here in a shop near the Lotus Pier. He also wanted to observe the residents just in case there was a need for him to help. After all, the YunmengJiang Sect and the GusuLan Sect are now a family.

However, Lan Xichen didn't expect an accident to happen today. As for his effort... the result is yet to be seen, though he didn't hold much hope in it considering Jiang Cheng's personality.


"Zewu-jun is here?" Jiang Cheng muttered when he heard his subordinate report after he took a short break from his work.

The subordinate nodded. "Yes, sect leader. In fact, Zewu-jun arrived earlier." He honestly answered.

"Then why didn't he come in?" Jiang Cheng asked as his brows knitted. Since Lan Xichen had already come here earlier, then why did the others still leave? Jiang Cheng can't figure out what that man (LXC) is thinking. Who knows who could figure it out... maybe Jin Guangyao? After all, the two were lovers before...

The subordinate paused and hesitated. "Earlier, when Zewu-jun arrived, he asked if you were busy, and I answered 'yes'." He answered. "I offered Zewu-jun to take a seat inside, but then he said that he will come again later and then he left." He explained.

Jiang Cheng fell silent before he dismissed his subordinate after telling him to take Lan Xichen to him. The subordinate heaved a sigh of relief and immediately left. He had already expected for their sect leader to scold him, but he (JC) didn't, which surprised him. It seems that their sect leader's temper became soft after the marriage. It should be, as their sect leader's marriage partner is Lan Xichen, who is known to be the one with the gentlest temper among all the cultivators. So, Jiang Cheng must have been influenced by Lan Xichen so Jiang Cheng's temper has become mellow.

This marriage between the YunmengJiang Sect and GusuLan Sect is really good!

Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, doesn't know what his subordinate is thinking. He can't help but feel guilty as he thinks about Lan Xichen's visit earlier. It seems that he has been neglecting Lan Xichen. Even if he (JC) doesn't and Lan Xichen can't invest emotionally in their marriage, that doesn't mean that Jiang Cheng could just be negligent of his responsibilities. After all, he is Lan Xichen's legal partner, which many people would like to be. Even Jin Guangyao (wants to be Lan Xichen's partner), Jiang Cheng recalled. Yet this big pie* that everyone wants fell on Jiang Cheng's hands.

*a good thing/opportunity

"Sect leader Jiang." A man's gentle voice called and pulled Jiang Cheng from his thoughts.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and saw Lan Xichen standing by the door. "Sect leader Lan." He called and nodded at the other. "Please, come in and have a seat." He told him.

Lan Xichen uttered thanks. The wind suddenly blew and exposed something that was covered by his wide sleeves. Jiang Cheng happened to glance inadvertently and saw it.

"This is...?" Jiang Cheng muttered when he saw a container that was carried by Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen paused before he lowered his gaze to look at the object. "This is something... no, it's nothing." He answered and shook his head as he hid the object behind him.

Jiang Cheng's brow raised but he didn't say anything. "Well..." he spoke and pondered what topic they should discuss today. But his thoughts were interrupted again by Lan Xichen when the other spoke.

"Sect leader Jiang." Lan Xichen called.

Jiang Cheng looked at him and saw that he had something that he wanted to say. It seems that today is bound to be different from the other days that they spent together after they got married. 

(A/N: this was supposed to be written last week on my birthday, but I wanted to rest... and then the days after that became stressing for me as I am job-hunting. Today, I also wouldn't have written this chapter, but I just can't feel at ease, so here...) 

Arranged - LXC x JC fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن