Grow like a Tree. 1-5 year old me

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The giant pine tree grows from a tiny sprout; the journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet -Lao Tzu

lets start learn biology for a sec. 

what are the characteristics of living things? u can share ur answer on comment here or note

one of the answers is Grow.  we keep growing. we cant pause the time.

we are going taller, bigger. in physical all people can see.

all the first time comes in. 

We first time start to stand. 

We first time start to Walk.

We first time start to Talk.

We first time start to expression our self.

We first time start to learn and see world. The World we say Hello World when born.

We first time start to have control in our life. That our true trait or personality are made. 

Task 3: Explore!  we dont know anything in this age. So why dont we try to reach the star. I want you  start to write a journal. Write what u do? What u learn? What u feel? Write all of it in it. Write with word can be boring. You can make it with draw, photo, video, doodle. 

Take your Journal, Write the date so u dont forget. take a pen or Whatever ur media u use. Dear Diary this is my first me write journal, and bla.. blaa... blaaa... just put in real Action

I ask Chatgpt with prompt: why journaling help? make it in bullet point.

Self-Reflection: Helps you reflect on thoughts and experiences.

Emotional Release: Provides a safe space to express emotions.

Clarity and Focus: Organizes thoughts, improves focus.

Goal Setting: Helps set, track, and achieve goals.

Problem-Solving: Assists in analyzing and finding solutions to challenges.

Creativity: Stimulates creativity and generates insights.

Personal Growth: Promotes self-awareness and learning.

Memory Enhancement: Improves memory retention and learning through writing

Task 4: I want u to pick 1-3 core value After u write your Journal for atleast a month. Put it on inside the circle. What the identity want to be? Keep it that core value for rest of ur life. do some research from your journal. take a mbti test, IQ and EQ test. 

The Core Value is become your identity. Your area, or arrow the circle of Your System getting expand. The circle always getting larger whatever u want it or not over time. 

When u start to grow. Your system Growing too. And we need start to plan and think. Control Wich Area we are going to put in our system from Area We dont have control yet. with this call this wisdom and responsibilty.

 from Atomic Habits there are 3 layer to change a habits. goal.process.identity. many people focus on goal/ result. But the true is we should focus on identity. 

FEEDBACK CIRCLE, the important thing is to let your VALUES, PRINCIPLES and IDENTITY drive the circle, not your results.

all the feedback circle make your circle going larger and bigger. like games. if u dont know google it.

knowledge is power, experience is a teacher and mistake, Mozart tells us from the sky "take a journey" Forget the shame of traveling, Let's embarrass ourselves completely!

The 3 bold words is all the small dot that make circle getting larger.

To get that all we need is just a "courage" to do it

if u dont take a risk, u cant create a future! - monkey D Luffy

with courage we can change to see on your system paper. Place outside the circle where is out of your control is doesnt mean imposible. Its mean many Posibilty that we just cant control but actualy can happen.

 in math we call it probability.

P(A) = n(A) / n(S)


n(A) = the number of members in the set of events A. n(S) = the number of members in the set of events S. How to calculate the probability using the formula above can be done by identifying n(A) and n(S) in an event .

but in life n(S) in an event is almost infinity but not infinity. Take why make this seen imposibly but this posibly. We can have a really small rate. The probabilty is 0.0000001 but never be zero.

Like gatcha. We have to is keep try, make more attempt to raise the rate n(A). And hit the Tochdown or Homerun. even if u fail u dont have regret. Like in book psychology of Money said that Luck matter where Bill Gates get into school with computer in that era. So he cant built Microsoft. 

Just hope for the best, prepare for the worst -Star Wars

To Counter Luck is keep rolling babyyy!!!! keep try... again... and againnn till reach the hard pitty or tipping point. People want things fast when life is long Garyvee

Like a drop water break the stone, drop by a drop. its seem nothing happen but something is happening till one drop make a huge crack. But have to know that is not from one drop, but from all drop u have been try. its can be thousand or million drop. Until the last drop make it.

and after u reach your tipping point there will be another tipping point. like ladder.

its discribe very well, one series call twenty five twenty one one episode 7. When Na hee does talk to her daughter Kim Min-chae while painting fence, why she decide to quit learn ballet.  

"Do you think your abilities are increasing like this slope right?Not so.Ability increases like a ladder.Then people usually give up at these points (the points on each rung of the ladder). Once we get through each point we will grow rapidly, but no one realizes it. 

Why is that? Because of him they felt at that point they would be eternal"

its like the future more discribe from The plateau of latent potential graph.  That there is more than one rung in a ladder. Example water have 2 phase like 2 rung. When the temperature increasing seen like nothing change but when reach 0C its changing form and after that nothing change again but when reach 100C its change form again. Like life if keep do it we will get to point to change to better form again and again.

And here the next book i will recomended : Courage to be Disliked, One Piece

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 03 ⏰

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