Chapter 1

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I arrived on set to nothing but silence. Kenny told me to meet him in the break room but he never told me exactly where it was. I felt like a lost puppy in an open world - the place seemed huge to me. I looked around at the trailers, eyeing the names of the characters on the doors. I stopped at one trailer 'Luke Patterson'.

"Luke Patterson..." A voice spoke from behind me. "What a douche!"

I turned around, ocean blue eyes meeting mine. "Charlie Gillespie, I play Luke Patterson" He smiles, sticking his arm out for me to shake his hand. His smile could brighten a room.. and such perfect teeth. I was dumbfounded by the sight of the man that stood in front of me. He ran his other hand through the brown locks that draped over his face as he awaited a reply.

"oh i'm- Avery, Avery Martial" I shook his hand, a blush rising to my cheeks as i struggled to find more words. It wasn't often i found myself speechless, but on this film set, just me and him... i had no more words to say, hoping somebody would come and break the silent tension between us.

"Avery!" a voice bellowed from behind Charlie, and there he was, the man himself- Kenny Ortega. He walked over, a smile plastered on his face "It's been a while Avery, it's great to see you again" I had assisted Kenny on previous films and series, popping into scenes as an extra or being a background director. "Nice to see you two have already met" He placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder, the two of them welcoming each other with a smile "Charlie, this is Avery, she's going to be your coach throughout filming, y'know, help you rehearse lines and get ready for scenes" Me and Charlie smiled at each other "She's a good one" Kenny spoke. "She'll be stern alright, but she knows how to have fun. I'll leave you two alone, the rest of the cast should be arriving shortly"

A short amount of time passed. Charlie and i sat in the break room and became better acquainted. We spoke about a ton of things - our hobbies, likes, dislikes, childhood crushes. Turns out we have a lot more in common than i had first imagined. It wouldn't be hard for us to get along.

Moments later, the doors opened, the rest of the cast flooding into the room as Charlie stood up and greeted them. I assumed they already knew one another since Kenny would have liked to hear their voices all together. I followed behind Charlie, Suddenly feeling nervous as the room began to fill with people. "Avery, this is the rest of the cast!" Charlie spoke, an excited grin grew on his face. "This is Madison, she will play the main lead, Julie. This is Owen, he plays Alex - and this is Jeremy who plays Reggie" I smiled at each person as he introduced me to them. Jeremy looked more excited than Charlie did, his mischievous smile widening as Charlie said his name. "And we're Julie and the Phantoms!" Jeremy spoke "tell your friends" he whispered, a small laugh echoed through the group.

"It's so lovely to meet you all! I'm Avery, Charlie's background coach. I would think you will all meet your coaches in a short while but i'm more than happy to answer your questions or help you in the meantime!"

They seemed like such a well bonded group of individuals, the perfect cast for the series, each person radiating nothing but good energy from one another.

I think i'm going to enjoy my time here.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed the first Chapter! Apologies if it's not as interesting as you would have hoped, but hey, We're all about improvement! Once again, i want to thank you for choosing my story. i'm excited to be on this journey with you.

Who else is absolutely heartbroken at our hopes and dreams of a season two being crushed by no other than Kenny himself? Lowkey, i think he knows something we don't and may surprise us with a season 2.... who knows! let me know your thoughts!

Pleasure reading with ya,
Elodie x

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