The Bar

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Charlotte's POV

I'm so upset me, Marjorie won't even talk me ever again by the looks of it. I miss the way we use to be.

"Hey Sweetheart" I know that voice that beautiful voice.

Mia's POV

After Reccie called me I had to push all my anger away, I wanted to punch someone for hurting Charlotte she is the best person at that nursery. I went to the new bar in town she must've gone there.

Time skip brought to Carly and Reece going to Thorpe Park.

I walked in scanning the room and I saw her, she looked like she was about to cry and it broke my heart.

In the car

After my talk with Char I was absolutely raging at Marjorie she is so obsessed with her own issues she hasn't been paying attention to the staff and I'm the one who got fired.
Once we got back to my place I made Char some dinner and let her pick what movie we watched.

Char's POV

I was looking through Netflix for something to watch when I come across Pretty Women ( i love pretty women). Mia walked in mjust as I picked the movie with a pair of shorts and her hoodie.
"Go get changed and we can get started food is almost ready sweetheart" she said that voice makes me weak in the knees but nobody needs to know.

The hoodie smells just like Mia which just fills me with comfort.

When I'm dome Mia is on the couch with two bowls of pasta and the movie ready to play. I sit down next to her and press play.

"I've never actually seen this film you know" Mia says.

"It's so good you're going to love it" I say relaxing into the sofa.

Mia's POV

As the movie continued Char relaxes more into me as we kinda cuddle on the sofa. I was secretly hoping this would happen as I only got one blanket and turned off the heating. I woke Charlotte as we had an early morning and should get some sleep.
"Sweetheart come on we have a long day" we walked up the stairs and got to the guest bedroom. "Here is where you can sleep it's all made up and you should have everything you need" I say starting to turn to go to my room.

"Mia after the separation I get kinda lonely at night can i sleep in your room please" she looks at me with those puppy eyes and I just cave.

"Sure" I wasn't kinda hoping this is where she would end up.

*The next morning*

Beep beep.

I role over and turn off the alarm. Char is not here and I start running when I smell the most amazing smell pancakes.

"Hey Mia i wake up really early as a thanks for letting me stay here I made u breakfast" she looked beautiful in the mornings with messy her messy hair and no wedding ring in sight. I'm so proud of her for last night and not putting it back on this morning.

Time skip.

Char's POV

As we drove, to work a pain filled my chest as I realised I wouldn't be seeing Mia for a while. I was going to miss her, her smile, her voice and just her.
Before I knew it we were at the sister nursery.

"Bye Mia I'll miss you" I say engulfing her in a hug.

"Wow I'll be back soon and just text me if u need me and I'll come right back sweetheart" she says hugging me back awkwardly.

I will miss her.

A/N: all the misses autocorrected to kisses. Hope you enjoy and leave your requests here.

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