Chapter 5 version 3.0

Comincia dall'inizio

"Hello mam." The girl timidly greets. I nodded at her but still not saying a thing.

Jennie suddenly grabs the girl's arm and drags her to our dining room. Ella and I was surprise. I am not aware that my wife has a hidden strength to drag a 6 foot tall girl.

We followed her and all my kids stiffen when they see who was Jennie dragging inside our home.

"Come on Jisoo, kids! Let's eat!" Jennie shouted excitedly.

Jennie forces the girl to sit beside her.

My kids and Liam silently sit down in their places. I can see in my peripheral vision that the girl was squirming on her seat.

"Liam lead the Prayer." Jennie demanded.

Liam nodded and started to say some grace. After the prayer we start to dig
in. While I was scooping rice to Jennie's plate I noticed that the girl was staring wide eyed at our table.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask her. All of us look at her waiting for her answer except for my Jennie who is focused on her garlic bread at the moment.

"I am sorry. I am just not used to seeing a table full of different kinds of food." I saw Ella's eyes soften.

My princess is into deep. It's been what two days? I know that look because I am wearing that look for one person only and that same person is currently impatient because I am not scooping her food fast enough for her taste. I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

As we start eating Ella, introduce her sisters and brother. The girl is clearly in
awe. Apparently she knows all my kids. We learned that she is a big fan of Parker and she wants to be a Cardiologist just like him.

"The other end is my uncle Liam." I can see Liam straighten his posture when he heard his name.

"He is the owner of Manoban corp and-" Ella was cut off when Jennie inserts innocently "he fails in english lit. Grammar is his weakness. Right Lily?"

Liam glares at Jennie and said "We can still return her to the foster system right Jisoo?" I can hear the silent snicker of Gabriela, Parker and Jamila. Grey was also trying to hold in her laugh.

I glare back at Liam. "If you don't shut your mouth I'll call Rosie."

Liam suddenly winced and said "Please don't. I am still not recovered from sleeping on the couch 25 years ago. Rosie might let me sleep on the driveway this time."

"So Yeji how many are you in your family?" Grey asks nonchalantly. Is she gathering information for the Genocide project that they are planning?

"Uhmm just me. My parents are already dead."

Grey nodded thoughtfully. I see Gabriela discretely mouths "easy kill." Yup their plan is still in motion.

"Any comorbids? Diabetes, hypertension? Thyroid problems?" Parker asked.

The girl shakes her head. Parker nodded.
Jamila asks "Your house. Is it concrete?" What kind of question is that? We all looked at Jamila and she shrugged her shoulders and said "What? I need to consider Trajectories, wind curves those kinds of things." I shook my head. So they plan to blow up his place?

I think I need to warn the MIBs in advance. I am afraid that they will join my sons instead of stopping them. I notice that Gabriela is creepily staring at the girl. I swear she will ask another dumb question. "So Yeji tell me your opinion on bombs. Do you prefer bombs over let's say gas chambers?"

I stop eating altogether. They are not even asking discrete questions! Ella is obviously confuse why our conversation are about explosive devices. Who the hell ask that over dinner? Apparently Gabriela does.

Yeji didn't even attempt to answer because Jennie asked her another
question. "Hey hey Yeri."

"It is Yeji mommy." Ella reminded her.

"Oh yeah sorry. Yeji what is your favorite spongebob episode." Jennie asked her seriously.

"The pizza episode ma'am. " Jennie smiled brightly. "Me too! I even have that episode on DVD with the voice actor's signature." She bragged.

I sigh when I remember the time we waited for that Dvd to be signed. Jennie was so happy when she went to the Comic Con. I needed the whole squad of MIB to secure the area because there are so many people. I almost lost Jennie twice because she keeps on taking pictures with those cosplayers.

"I'll show you after dinner. Will you watch one episode with me? It is on at 8pm."

"Sure Mrs. Kim!" The girl replied. Smiling at my Jennie.

Jennie smiled brightly and said "Nonsense you can call me Jennie or Mom is even better. Mrs. Kim is too formal."

Welp Gameover. The queen of the house has spoken. She accepted her. I saw my 4 kids gape at her. Jennie singlehandedly saved the life of the girl without knowing it. The power of Jennie in this household is astounding.

Yeji still needs to prove her worth. We all work hard to raise Ella to be independent and strong headed. She needs a woman who stands by her side and treats her with respect.

I don't care who my children wants to be with in the future. Even if they are poor, uneducated or with bad background as long as they love my children wholeheartedly. That's the only thing that I want.

I swear when Grey was born that I'll support my children. Whatever they
want I will be with them. I don't want them to grow up without any parental
support like Jennie and I experienced. I was startled when Jennie suddenly grabbed my hand and whispered. "We really did build a beautiful life and family of our own Jisoo."

I smile softly and squeezed her hand "Yes we did Love. We did a good job don't you think?"

"No! I already draw the blueprint and the chemicals that I will use! It is easy! I even finish the protoype last night! It will only cause a small explosion I swear!" Gabriela exclaimed.

Suddenly an earthquake like tremors was felt in our whole house. The Chandeliers swayed dangerously.

A few minutes later the MIB runs to the lab of Gabriela at the end of my 20 acre property.

I sigh and close my eyes.
Yeah right a small explosion my ass.


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