Ch.2 "Warming up to the cold"

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It's been 2 weeks since little Charlie first came into the Merridian Mockers tribe. She's been getting used to how they speak and act. They are not on the offense side, making Charlie trust them more. their language is quite interesting, they have an alphabet known as the Xerrix. it has the same number of letters, but how it's pronounced and written differs from ours. Charlie is starting to feel at home with her tribe, their leader Mohhamed is quite an interesting individual, he's smart and kind, yet can be violent when upset. Charlie is starting to become friends with Mohhamed. on a rainy day, Charlie found herself staring at the raindrops falling to the ground, even though this was her first time experiencing this, she knew what dangers water could inflict on her, but didn't know where this instinct came from, and low behold, her guts were right, when she accidentally tripped on a rock, her hand got exposed to the water, resulting in a major part of it melting. Charlie quickly pulled her hand back, even though her hand touched the cold white water, it felt like it was melting from blazing lava...


Charlie managed to bandage her hand with leaves and put some healing fruits on the burns. She is fine but it is hard to move her hand. after a while, She decides to pick some fruit from the trees, even though she is in a tribe, she doesn't have a secure family yet..but she's managing by herself.

next day

the sun has not risen yet, but little Charlie decides to crawl out of her makeshift bed and look around the village and some other places a bit more, she's more active at night. since she's been floating around the void for who knows how long. her footsteps are light and her movements are nimble, which makes her perfect for midnight. As she's walking around near a lake, she spots various glowing fungi that catch her eye. the fungi vary in color, shape, and size, some are bright green stars, and others are dim yellow umbrella-like mushrooms. overall, all the fungi are near the roots of trees, these trees have bright yellow and green leaves that scatter and form an overhanging structure, once you look up to the clear dark sky, it looks like a giant black blanket covering the world, with stars and patterns scattered across it. the sky itself is completely dark, the only lights being the stars which form complex patterns, but one in particular catches Charlie's eye. a constellation that looks like 3 children playing together in a field of blackness. then another constellation catches Charlie's eye, or rather...two separate star patterns. one lone child, and another looking at the triplet constellation from before. It is rather strange..but Charlie decides to shake it off for now 

Nonaphobic: The sin of lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora