Chapter 29: X-32 Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Elise, get in Submarimon and stand back." -Both Elise and Submarimon obey as Levantemon shots energy balls at the ground just below the cage, the metal eventually gives up and the big cage breaks the ground on one side with its sheer weight- "Now!"

Submarimon nods and leaves by the side of the cage that got raised.

"That hurted... But thanks" -Submarimon then goes at Calizmon's side- "...You better stay out of this one, Calizmon, you can't fight like that."

"..." -Calizmon turns to Submarimon, showing himself worried.- "What do I do? Then?"

"Radio won't work with the F-particles and all this distance... Go to the boat and tell them to come closer, we'll be leaving soon." -Says Submarimon before Digievolving into HiDigmon.

"But if I do that, Aspen will be defenseless, Restimon can't fight either." -Calizmon replies as he sees Aspen still holding an exhausted Lanceamon.

"They'll be alright, just go." -HiDigmon says before flying away, helping Levantemon deal with the 2 Jazardmon.

"..." -Calizmon looks at Aspen, he wasn't confident in leaving him there... But Submarimon was right, he needed to follow his orders- "...I'll be back soon, Aspen!"

Calizmon leaves flying in direction to the boat.

"We are alone..." -Says Aspen as he sighs- "...Let's hope they can deal with them."

"..." -After hearing Aspen, Lanceamon turns his body, looking at an specific point, as if he could detect something there- "...There's still some enemies out there... They are coming..."


The Green Wind boat was still stopped, with all its Digimons on high alert.

Miura was looking from the cabin of the ship when he spotted Calizmon at the distance.

"It's Calizmon!" -Miura was ready to talk on the radio when suddenly, another Digimon shouts trough it.

"S-Someone's coming from the east! It's fast!" -A Gabumon could see a ship closing in at high speed.

"Attack!" -Miura said as he turned to see it, the Digimons on the right side of the ship beginning to attack, but suddenly, something leaves the enemy ship and begins to fly straight to the cabin- "What?!"

"Here it is!" -Tentomon says as a screen in the dashboard shows a more detailed view of the attacker: It was Mailbirdramon holding Geovasmon.

This was another ambush. Further proven by the boat, being a small launch carrying 3 Commandramon, ready to shot at the Green Wind ship.

"I'll take them down." -Geovasmon said as he opened his mouth, shooting a big fireball at the cabin.

"Shield! Shield!" -Tentomon activates the shield just in time, the fireball crashes against the cabin and causes an explosion, but didn't do any damage- "...That was close..."

"What?" -Exclaimed the Mailbirdramon as he saw the cabin intact.- "That was a direct hit!"

"A shield..." -Geovasmon frowns, paying attention to the ship's structure, he then decides to let himself go from Mailbirdramon- "...I know those reflectors..."

"Moderator!" -Exclaimed Mailbirdramon, before being forced to get clear after being shot by 2 Digimons at the bow of the ship.

Geovasmon lands just in front of the cabin, scaring both Tentomon and Miura as he used his saber to regain his balance.

"...All these reflectors, they were for an experimental shield I was going to test... Meaning that you used my ship to make this!" -Geovasmon raises his big saber as the launch gets closer to the aft of the Green Wind boat.

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