Chapter 8

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Reece's POV:

What Carly had said had been playing on my mind all day. I was yet to ask Marjorie to be my girlfriend and I got nervous just thinking about it but I knew I needed to do it soon or she might get a better offer.

Right as I was thinking these thoughts Mia walked in "hey handsome" she sat down in the chair beside me messing up my hair as she did so. I rolled my eyes "uh Mia step away please" I asked quietly. She smirked winking "whatever you want handsome" ever since I'd gotten with Marjorie after every sentence she said to me she ended it with handsome.

I'd asked her to the office to ask her to go to the sister nursery. She nodded "oh I have to leave you handsome?" She asked blinking a few times. I roll my eyes "yes Mia you have to leave the nursery. Anyways you will have to go to the er toddler room Charlotte needs someone to cover. Family emergency" Mia simply nods rolling her eyes as she leaves.

Mia's POV:

I left Reece's office hopping into my car and make my way over to the sister nursery. I slam on my breaks when I accidentally crash into a car that looks like charlottes. Her face is raw red making it look like she'd been crying. I hop out of the car to check the damage seeing her doing the same. I realise my car has no damage but hers has a big scratch at the side "hey sweetheart you ok?" I ask smirking. I'd recently decided to start annoying Charlotte by calling her sweetheart. The same I did with Reece only I called him handsome.

I'm surprised when Charlotte almost collapses. I drive both our cars out of the way and bring Charlotte over to the side of the road "deep breaths, that's it good girl" I say. I know from the symptoms she's having that it's an anxiety attack. My brother used to have them. "Deep breaths breath in. Out. In. Out". For some reason I'm worried about Charlotte. I don't know why since I'm rarely worried about anyone never mind one of Marjorie's little friends. "You're doing great now just take deep breaths and speak when you're ready" I hear her ragged breaths. She finally gasps for air speaking. "Why did you help me?" Is the first thing she asks. I frown "I know how it feels to have a panic attack. My brother told me all about it" I look down then asking her to tell me what caused the panic attack before reluctantly adding that if she didn't want to she didn't have to. "Well um my husband" tears start falling down her cheeks. I pull her to me giving her a long hug and rubbing her back. I'm surprised at myself. Before she can continue I ask her why she's not at work because I thought I was taking over and apparently Marjorie is until I arrive. I nod. "Do you want to continue?" I ask her. She nods. "Autumn well um she caught my husband cheating and I- I haven't confronted him yet and I know h-he might get aggressive" more tears come falling down her cheeks. "Are you going to confront him now?" I question her. She nods looking down. It's clear she's terrified "listen you deserve better alright? So how about I tell Marjorie something came up maybe Carly or Jodie can cover and I come with you?" I offer. She nods "I'd like that" she mutters. I barely hear it. "So I'll drop my car in a local car park come back for it later. There's one um five minutes from here I'll be back in about 10 minutes 15 tops. She nods muttering thanks as I get up driving my car.

10 minutes later I arrive back. She hadn't moved since I'd left. I help her up. "Will I drive?" I offer. She nods "thanks so much Mia I never thought this of you" she clearly wants me to know how grateful I am. "No problem sweetheart" she doesn't tell me off this time and simply smiles a small smile. God her smiles so cute. I think I'm falling for her.

I remember suddenly I'd forgot to ring Reece so I do it before we go into the house "hey Reece" I greet him. I hear him say hello and ask where am I because it's been over an hour and I still haven't arrived "I'm sorry Reece something came up. Um a private matter so could someone else possible cover" I ask him. He gives out to me, says that what could be so important before hanging up. "So uh let's go" she nods walking into her house. "Ryan!" She calls. A minute later a man who looks 70 shows up at the door. "Who's this" he smirks looking me up and down. "Uh that doesn't matter for the moment" I see Charlotte stand up taller. She's clearly trying to have a backbone even though I know she hates confrontations. "Listen Ryan we're over" he gives her a confused look "sorry?" He challenges. Charlotte swallows "you heard me" he then asks her why. She explains in a rush what autumn saw "you're really going to believe her over me?" He laughs. Charlotte nods. "I am because she may be mean and annoying at times but she has never been a liar and I know she wouldn't lie to me. I've got to go back to work but" he slaps her across the face pushing her to ground. I immediately jump in pushing back. Charlotte has a big red cut across her forehead where he'd scraped her covered in blood. I didn't know how a small cut could produce so much blood. I help her out to the car sitting her down in the seat and helping her clean the cut up. "You're in no state to drive I'll drive you to the sister nursery I'll pick my car up later" she nods thanking me again.

I see Marjorie in the toddler room as we arrive "Mia where have you be-" before she can finish the sentence Charlotte comes in "oh my god Mia what have you done to her" Marjorie flings her arm around Charlotte. "Marjorie she's actually the one who helped me" Charlotte explains what happened. "I'm so sorry" she hugs Charlotte.

I know this chapter was basically just mialotte sorry I had to add it in but should I make a mialotte story?? I've a lot to say on it and again I'm sorry I had to have mialotte at least once

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