Monsieur, your package has arrived

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The door started ringing, I mean the bell did, not the door itself. I opened it(the door), realizing a box was laid on the ground. 

WHat should I do?

Of course, I opened it. A mini watch was what was in it. Why? I never ordered such a  thing

PUtting it on my wrist, I felt myself getting dizzy and falling to the ground.

Opening my eyes, I looked around, realizing I was in a fantasy world called TEYVATTTTT!

I looked at my wrist, realizing the watch was glowing yellow. Honestly, the colour disgusted me since.... EH better not think of it.

I fiddled with the wristband, taking it off at last.

The world zoomed out on me and I was back at my house. What?

The doorbell rang again, but I refused to open it. 

THen, the person at the door rang it a million times. I'm not kidding you, a hundred million times.

I slowly crept to the door, looking through the small window. 

But nobody was there. Nobody, yet the door bell was still ringing!

This creeped me out. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I actually wanted to open the door and see the package but... I didn't.

God this is so intruiging.

I couldn't resist it so I swung open the door and opened the package.

Another watch?

Actually, there was 100 of them-

Abandonned Dawg |DOn't worry about this completly fine right|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt