★ Gift

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Mercury/my oc POV:

They slowly open their eyes. They look up on the wall and check their clock. It's time for school... Already? Mercury stands up and stretches, then proceeds to go change into their emo clothes.

They walk into the kitchen to make themselves some breakfast. Their dad leaves work quite early and comes back pretty late so he's usually never home. Mercury grabs a plain white bowl then grabs the milk. They pour in the milk first since they're weird as fuck. Then, the weirdo proceeds to grab some froot loops and put it into the bowl of milk. They go grab a spoon and begin munching away at the cereal.

They're full! Now, they can go walk to school. Carrie leaves their house and begins walking to school. On the way there, they suddenly trip on a rock and fall on their knees. Ouch... Suddenly, they feel themselves get pulled up by someone... But who? They turn around, and see...

Mercury's classmate, Kris! Mercury never really bothered to talk to Kris, or anyone in their school infact, since they're an introvert and don't seem to like making friends that much. Carrie doesn't really like people in general, and that includes Kris for now... Though, the one thing they do like about Kris, is the fact their name is the name of a dagger.

Kris POV:

Kris awkwardly waves while literally staring into Mercury's soul, despite the fact Kris' eyes are covered by their bangs. Suddenly, Carrie begins to speak to the quiet human.

"... Hoi." They say. Kris doesn't reply and instead just thumbs up. The emo suddenly speaks up again. "I like how your name is the name of a dagger. I like knives. I think knives are cool. I actually have a collection of them." Yaps the emo weirdo. Kris just listens, seemingly interested in the knife yapping. It seems Kris also has a liking towards knives. Maybe these two could get along.

Kris begins walking away after the yapping is done, since they need to get to school. They enter their school, then their classroom, and class goes like normal. Kris ends up falling asleep in the start, but wakes up after a bit and actually listens to the teacher when they do.

They occasionally glance at Mercury, who doesn't seem to be paying attention at all and is just making paper stars. They seem to really like paper and origami for... Whatever reason. Kris starts to wonder if they ever made a paper knife or a paper sword. Wait, why are they thinking about this?

Mercury POV:

Mercury just... Keeps making paper stars, not paying attention to anything around them. Suddenly, they get an idea. What if they made a kris dagger... Out of paper... Then gave it to Kris. It'd give them an excuse to do something they like, and their dad says they need to do more social interaction, so this would be perfect! Carrie begins grinning at the idea and continues making their paper stars.


Finally, school is over and everyone can go home. Once Mercury arrives home, they immediately know what they'll do. They proceed to grab mountains of paper and start working on their paper kris! It takes quite a lot of time to make it look decent, and the markers they're coloring it with are bad quality, but who cares. After around 30-40 minutes, the knife is finally done. And it looks... Ugly, but good enough.

Carrie gets up from their seat and decides to go give it to Kris. They walk outside and begin trying to see if they're outside. They walk around for a bit, then suddenly notice the apple-scented human visually stimming with a fidget spinner looking very focused on it. Hell, they're literally fucking drooling a bit. Mercury slowly walks up to them, aaaand...

"Boo." They say. Kris flinches and looks up from their fidget spinner, startled. They squint and tilt their head in confusion. "Guess what I got ya." Says the planet-named one. They suddenly reveal their kris dagger made out of paper to Kris.

Kris POV:

The paper dagger looks... Decent, and the marker clearly needs to be replaced, but it's still impressive. Kris grabs it and begins... 'Stabbing' Mercury with it. This is their way of thanking them. Attacking them with the fucking paper knife they made. Mercury doesn't really mind this, they just stand there and wait for Kris to stop. Kris is chuckling quietly. This is funny to them. They finally stop their childish behaviour and just thumbs up then begins to walk home.

On their way back home, Kris admires the new paper knife they've acquired. And then they get a sudden urge to bite into it for no fucking reason. And so they do! It tastes fucking horrible! They decide not to eat it, but it was worth a shot. Anyway, they think about that whole interaction again and smile a bit. It was cute. "Mweheheheh..." They giggle quietly to themselves.

...Wait, why are they thinking about this?

stupid oc x canon thing (kris x my OC) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin