At this moment, there was no joy or sadness on his face, nor was he even happy after planning for the whole world and spending his whole life to achieve his goal.

Because he has lost his humanity, he has sacrificed everything to finally set foot on this land.

In order to reach the end of the law, he paid more than Mobius in the previous world line.

At the moment, Otto walked step by step towards the giant golden tree that looked down on everything like a god, muttering to himself:

"The laws of the world, the will of the world... Haha, compared to you, human life is really a fragile thing..."

"When I was a child, I was always afraid of being alone in a room, because when I looked at the dark room, I always felt unprecedented loneliness and fear. In such a small house, I couldn't find anything that could bring me a sense of security. , there is only endless darkness and depression, constantly piling up in my heart..."

"So, I kept running out of the room, wanting to go to a bigger place, because I felt that there must be people in the outside world who could understand me. Under such a big sky, there must be people who could give me a sense of security and make me feel safe. There is someone who can liberate my inhibitions..."

"However, the outside world does not exist. In the larger world, there is only greater darkness and greater depression. The ugliness revealed in the communication between people makes me more painful and more lost..."

"Until you appeared, Mo Chen... Kallen... you were the only two beams of light in my life. It was you who made me realize that there is not only ugliness under the sky, nor calculations between people, but also like......"

"It was you who taught me this and let me know that if human beings have love, they can defeat everything and cause miracles..."



Shicksal  Headquarters.

Kallen looked at the picture of otto trying his best to move towards the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, and her expression became extremely shaken for a moment.

She obviously didn't know this history. She didn't expect that Otto would devote his whole life to the end alone, and come to the end of his life with extreme loneliness and despair.

In contrast, Otto looked like his dark history had been exposed, and his expression was a little tense from the moment the video started.

After all, when he went to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, he was determined to die, thinking that after this wave of stud, this person would simply disappear and disappear.

In that case, he almost narrated it with the mood of narrating his last words.

And those words are undoubtedly mixed with many inner monologues that are difficult to describe.

When those things were directly released for everyone to see, Otto could only feel the pain in his heart when Mo Chen's history was exposed before, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

I'm a little depressed...

Meanwhile, Void Archive's monologue continues.

"Death is indeed the dissipation of consciousness and the end of everything - we cannot continue the dissipated starlight, unless we can reverse time and awaken the silent island of graves... However, the laws of the world cannot be shaken, I think. To reverse the law and change destiny, one must pay a sufficient price and use one's destruction as fuel."

"Fortunately, Otto Apocalypse himself is the best fuel. He only needs a certain amount of help to open the door to reverse his destiny and reconnect the past with the future. It's a pity that when he realizes this truth , Otto Apocalypse, he has long been a world-famous villain, and he has long been completely hated by the power he needs most."

(Fan translation)  Honkai Simulation, I conquered the final KianaWhere stories live. Discover now