It took me a minute to realize what he was referring to. "Wait, hold up. You can't actually mean that you're interested in me," I said, voice squeaking. He smiled. "Oh, hell no. No way!" I said freaking out. He frowned. "Sorry, I guess I should have realized you were straight," he said weakly. "I just meant that I don't know who I'm interested in. Not just that, but John wouldn't let me date anyone, not even considering the fact that he doesn't think any girl would be into me. Also, he would more be against me dating a guy," I said.

"What about you?" he asked curiously. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Could you see yourself with a guy?" he asked. "Possibly. I guess so. I never really thought about it before," I said. "How come?" he wondered. "I never was allowed the notion or fantasy of thinking about dating. If I was forced to decide now? I guess I would say that dating a guy has its appeal. Dating a girl never seemed to interest me," I confessed. "So, you think you may be gay?" he asked. I was waiting for hostile comments. The hateful remarks. None came. I just shrugged. "Matt, there's nothing wrong with being gay, if you are. If you're not, that's okay too," he assured me.

"I don't know what I am!" I shouted. He gently grabbed my arm and pushed me lightly up against the lockers. "Hey, don't freak. It's not something you have to figure out right away," he said. "Should we check on the others?" I asked. He nodded. We left the locker room and went to the side door and peeked outside. A cluster of the others were coming this way. A group of guys and girls, the more athletic of the class. "Do you think we should wait for the others and Mr. Ralt?" I asked. "No, when I was on the phone with my mother, she told me to head to the library right away. We have already been wasting time. She said she would take care of it with Mr. Kent," he informed me.

"Understood," I replied simply. He just grinned and we started walking down the hallway. "Hey!" someone shouted. We both turned to see Chad Summel jogging up to us. "How the hell were you able to pass us by in the race. I get the new guy. You look athletic and probably more so than even us. But him? That fucker was never known for his speed," Chad snapped. Chad ran his hand through his short black hair. "Hey, he just had a lucky day," Zal said, gently pushing me towards the library. "Hey!" Chad shouted. He grabbed me and shoved me into the wall and turned to square off against Zal who moved to head towards me.

"What's your problem?" he demanded. "There's no way this little bitch can move faster than the rest of us," Chad said coldly. Zal went to move around Chad, and he grabbed Zal's arm. Zal tensed and froze. "You really think it's smart of you to grab me?" he asked. "You've been clinging to him since you got here," Chad snarled. Zal shrugged, not blinking, tense and slightly trembling. "You can't seriously care for him," Chad demanded. Zal continued to just stare. "Are you really not going to let go?" Zal asked, voice on edge. Chad pushed past him and went straight for me. I blinked and my breath turned raspy. Chad almost grabbed a hold of my neck before Zal recovered, grabbed his shirt, and yanked him hard. Chad went flying back and slammed into the wall, crumbling to the floor. He was out for a couple minutes and when he came to, he gave Zal a weary look.

"You shouldn't have that kind of strength," he said fear in his voice. "I don't know what you're talking about," Zal said casually. He met Chad's stare without wavering. "Anyone could have yanked you hard against the wall away from someone. It's not surprising. Adrenaline rush and all that. You know you can find all this wonderful information on the internet. Google or other search engines I hear work wonders to extract useful information," Zal said with a snarky tone. He turned around and reached out his hand towards me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up to my feet. He walked behind me as we made our way down the hall to the library where Study-Hall was held. "Who gave you permission to get changed and leave the vicinity class?" Mr. Ralt shouted a moment later.

"My mother," Zal shouted back without looking at him. We made our way down the far hall, through the common area and down the dark hall leading to the library. The florescent lights flickered, crackled, and pulsed overhead. "We are going to have to do something about that," Zal muttered. I grinned. "I overheard the maintenance guy say something about needing to order the lights and get an electrician in. It's going to be a bit before they can get someone in to look at the wiring and lights," I told him. "Well, maybe we can quicken up the request," he said as we made our way to the wide door.

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