The oppressive heat was the first thing Effie noticed. The high humidity enveloped her skin like an additional layer, making it hard to breathe. A barely noticeable breeze moved the fine hairs of her wig and carried a scent to her nose that she only knew from perfume bottles – though much less intense. A distant smoky note lingered in the air, enveloping the run-down train station. Yet the fresh, foreign vegetation, unknown to Effie from the Capitol, was omnipresent. In her home, where greenery was confined to parks and bred forests, it was impossible to capture the true scent of nature. Here, far from civilization, the various nuances of the local flora evoked a single word in Effie's mind: nature. To her own surprise, the smell worked wonders on her racing heart. For a brief breath, both her mind and body came to a rest.

The flurry of camera flashes started so abruptly that Effie could only be thankful to be momentarily shielded by Petunia. Her forced smile wavered, but considering what awaited her here, it suddenly became much easier to make it genuine. Reporters and camera crews surrounded the two women, bombarding them with questions. It was unmistakable that they were trying, albeit only partly gently, to push aside the older woman to catch a first glimpse of her successor.

Successor. Effie had worked hard to be here and could look back on a long career as a model. Depending on whom you asked. At least, she tried to be proud.

Petunia had given her clear instructions for the stay, and Effie knew what to do. Pushing aside the strangely peaceful feeling from moments ago, she smiled and waved at the numerous cameras while they made their way through the crowd of reporters together.

Petunia was something like her mentor. As her predecessor, she showed her how to properly do the job of an escort and how to behave appropriately in that position. A position that so many beautiful, young women and men envied Effie for. Out of so many candidates, it was her, Effie Trinket, who had been chosen to succeed as the escort of District 12 in the annual Hunger Games. Even the profession of a Gamemaker was not as coveted, as there were far more than just twelve spots available.

After leaving the train station and stepping out into the relentless sun, the mayor of District 12 emerged to welcome the two Capitols. Standard procedure, as Petunia had already explained to Effie in advance. Mayor Undersee was a tall, bald man with a hurried handshake. No smile adorned his lips, Effie noticed, and she wondered if he wasn't excited about the Reaping. She definitely was.

As a line of Peacekeepers saluted and took their little luggage, they climbed into the tiny black car that had been provided for them. A model that must have been older than herself – emphasized by the worn leather seats, as Effie noted with a wrinkled nose.

"Remember," Petunia urged, shooting her a stern look. "You wait at the Justice Building while I deal with Abernathy."

Effie nodded and looked out the window. Here, in the center of the District, the poor little barracks had been replaced by larger, more solid concrete buildings, but even they couldn't keep up with those in the Capitol. Everything here seemed bland and dark. As if no one had cared about the state of the District for a long time. Only brown, gray, and black, as if people here had never seen colors.

Effie thought of her parents and what they would have to say about District 12. Surely nothing good. Her father, a long-established architect, would, just like herself, pounce on all the details that were as different from the Capitol as day and night. Her mother ... she would probably be shocked just by the sight of the District. For no amount of money or fame in the world would she set foot in this small town.

Soon, they both would sit down in front of the television with equal anticipation, watching their daughter. She had to make a good impression. She had to make them proud.

An Era Awakens - Effie and HaymitchWhere stories live. Discover now