8. The Way I Want You (16+)

387 19 58

There's, like, one paragraph of smut


"Just collect the damned leaves, Riddle," I snap at him for the third time in a row. "Will you hurry the fuck up? Neither of us get to leave until you've finished with the last batch, and you've barely gotten started on the first!"

Mattheo looks up innocently from the desk at which he hasn't been removing the leaves off of Venomous Tentacula plants this past quarter hour. "You need to trust the process," he informes me. "You can't rush these things, you know."

"What things?" I shout in exasperation. "What process? You've done nothing but sit here this entire time!"

"Apologies for upsetting you, professor. What other things would you like to unleash your inner harpy on?"

I march right up to him and slam my hand on the desk in anger. The Venomous Tentacula pods rear back at my sudden appearance, and lash out at the next nearest thing out of self defense. Mattheo yelps when a thorn rakes itself across his finger before slinking back into its pot again.

"Now look what you've done!" Mattheo complains. "You've wounded me, Rosier. Aren't you at least going to blow on it for me?"

"I hope you know I'm two seconds away from slapping that look of self-pity right off your stupid face," I seethe.

"Kinky," Mattheo remarks, to which I respond by actually moving to carry out my threat. He catches my wrist just in time, however, and holds it there as he continues to watch me lazily as though nothing is wrong. "I hope you realize how much of a missed opportunity this is turning out to be," he says. "You and me, alone in a classroom we've practically been locked up in, with one of us holding authority over the other. This is a once in a lifetime chance for you, you know."

"Don't flatter yourself on my account," I scoff. "Let go of my wrist, and get started on the leaves."

"The things you could do to me right now, Rosier," he sighs. "And I'd let it all happen, you know. Anything you wanted."

"Are you actually trying to bribe your way out of detention with the promise of sex?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Mattheo sighs again, looking up at me with those sparkling doe eyes of his. "Doesn't have to be that. Could be anything you wanted it to be."

"The Tentacula have to be sent back to the greenhouses by this afternoon-"

"Oh, will you shut up about the stupid plants?"

And with that, Mattheo gets to his feet, lifts me up, then sits me down on the nearest empty desk.

"Absolutely not," I shove him away when he tries to spread my legs apart with his knees. "I will not be caught shagging miscreants while on prefect duty!"

"But half the fun is in the danger of getting caught," he complains.

"You want something like that, then I'll make Granger swap duties with me for your next detention. The two of you can have yourselves an adrenaline rush while the fucking plants get traumatized."

"Granger?" Mattheo pulls back, appearing unsure as to whether to look amused or appalled. "Where did her name come from?"

"Sod off, Riddle," I scowl, my cheeks flaring red. "Five dozen students, celebrities, and Ministry workers all saw you two snogging at the Christmas party that night. Excuse me if that horrific image was seared permanently into my mind."

"It was just a kiss," Mattheo says, now seeming puzzled. "It didn't mean anything."

"I'm sure it didn't," I sneer. "Which is exactly why you kissed her like you were some chivalrous knight in a romance novel, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you- How you-" I let out a groan of frustration, finding it impossible to convey my message without accidentally coming off as jealous. Because jealous, I most certainly am not. "That kiss!" I splutter, which is the extent of what I can do.

"What kiss?" Mattheo raises his brows. "The one where I held her face in my hands and kissed her as delicately as I could?" he laughs. "Is that how you'd like me to kiss you, Y/n?"

"Yes," I spit out, furious that I've landed myself in a situation where I'm admitting it to him outright. "That's exactly what I'd like you to do."

Mattheo shakes his head. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, I do!"

"No, you don't," he tells me. "That's not how you want me to treat you at all."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means," Mattheo says, slowly edging forward, "That other girls wouldn't be able to handle the ways that I want you, the same way you'd never be satisfied with that ridiculous peck on the lips I gave Granger that day." He brushes his knuckles against my cheeks, before moving his hand down and closing his fingers around my neck. "It means you'd rather I bent you over and called you a whore, all while worshiping every inch of you in ways that went against my very being."

My breath catches on my throat. This time when Mattheo moves to stand between my legs, I don't shove him back.

"This is how you want to be treated, Y/n," he murmurs, right before sinking to his knees.

His knees. Mattheo Riddle is on his knees for me.

He watches me through lidded eyes, observing the multitudes of expressions that come over me in the seconds that follow. His hands grip my thighs, keeping them apart. Then comes an impressive demonstration of wandless magic, which I didn't even know he could do, but I'm a little too distracted by my sudden lack of anything underneath my skirt to be too captivated by that right now.

The desk ominously creaks beneath me as my hips buck forward, his tongue expertly navigating its way up my clit, dragging itself along the most sensitive parts of my skin. Salazar, I hate this boy for all the things he does to me, and especially for the way his eyes roll up to the back of his head at every trembling moan I give.

Mattheo does end up finishing with the Tentacula leaves, after all. The whole process ends a lot more quickly when I turn a blind eye to him using magic to shed the branches of their valuable leaves. When I make my way to the prefects' bath after that, after having had to escape a very clingy Riddle who insisted that he join me there, I discover deep purple bruises forming long the insides of my legs.

But for once, no rush of anger comes for me like a rogue Bludger in action, and I find that I'm not too displeased about the marks. Not enough to go to the trouble of spelling them away, at any rate.

Sinking into the foam-filled water, breathing in the scent of lilacs and lavenders, I make a mental note to offer some show of gratitude to the school's Head Girl in the near future. It would seem the consequences of Chang's choices don't always turn out to be so terrible, after all.

as usual, we're blaming harry for the slow updates (and by that i mean SUBJECTIVELY slow(when compared to how often i normally update), because twice a week is NOT slow and all you guilt-trippers know it)

to elaborate on that harry bit, let's just offer a big round of congratulations for myself for having hopped on the Dark Harry train again, good GOD Dark Harry is hotter than both the Riddles combined (unless we're talking Tomarry/Harrymort here, which i am also vigorously open to)

so yuh i'm writing a Dark Harry fic for my own benefit and no one else's, and that's taking up a lot more of my writing time than I thought it would :D

see you again at some point in the far off future!! byeeee!!

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 // enemies w/ benefits (M.T.R. x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ