Max Verstappen

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Scenario: Max is sponsored by Red Bull and Y/N is sponsored by Monster and their entire relationship is perpetuated by trying to convince the other their sponsor has the best energy drink.

Red Bull and Monster 2 very different brands with very different identities, so when the current BMX Champion Y/N
L/N got in a relationship with Red Bull F1 World Champion Max Verstappen the main topic of conversation in the media is that the two are sponsored by very different energy drinks that are in constant competition with each other.

When the two first announced their relationship they never expected the biggest controversy to arise from an energy drink well two energy drinks.

With two very different sponsors the couple have made it their ultimate goal to promote their sponsor as best as they can by overshadowing the others. Taking logo stickers and placing them over the others logo or trying their hardest to get the other into trouble.

The two have constantly been seen publicly trying to entice one another to drink the opposing sponsor's drink but to no avail.

Y/N despises Red Bull and Max despises Monster. It's pretty clear the two have no interest in drinking the other sponsor's drink but it doesn't mean they don't try to get one another to.

For a TikTok video Y/N decided to pour out the contents of Max's Red Bull can and fill it with Monster he then handed Max the can whilst he was gaming live, he then waited for Max to take a sip and prepared to run away because he knew Max wouldn't accept or appreciate this.

The sound of Max shouting at the game he was playing echoed throughout their apartment and Max was getting angrier at whatever game he was playing this time and then it went quiet for a second.

"Y/N WHAT IS THIS SHIT", this is the sign Max has finally taken a sip and Y/N takes off running with the sound of Max's footsteps following behind him.

On another occasion during a race weekend for Y/N, Max had gone into his tent where all his stuff is and placed a Red Bull sticker on his helmet that covered up the Monster logo, Y/N had then gone out sponsoring Red Bull. This led to him getting in trouble with his team and probably almost killing Max.

In one of Max's post race interview the interviewer asked him what does Y/N think of his Red Bull sponsor and Max replied "Y/N loves Red Bull he just pretends he doesn't he even told me that it's better than Monster"

Safe to say Y/N didn't take this well nor did his team, Red Bull on the other hand did. The two companies have also participated in the games, constantly taking to social media. One time Monster posted a tweet saying "We are happy to announce Max Verstappen will be participating in the BMX Championship sponsored by Monster".

As well as trying to get the other to drink their sponsor's drink they have had countless arguments about which is the best. These arguments are normally started by someone in their chat when they go live trying to create drama and it normally works and it is very entertaining to watch for viewers but mind numbingly annoying for Max and Y/N who can't convince the other of their opinion.

Formula 1 Drivers X Male Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora