12 Sudden changes

Start from the beginning

I swim for a while until the water turns wavy. When waves are aggressive it's just uncomfortable. One can never be sure when it strikes. When it just decides that it's your turn to go. I'd rather be precautious and careful than reckless with nature. Such powers are out our control. Even Raphaelle can't control nature. Though I'm pretty sure he wishes he could. 

I return to the shore, dripping wet. Raphaelle sits up as I approach, his eyes never leaving me. He reaches out to help me dry off, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his voice low and seductive. I blush. 

He holds up a sweater, and I'm looking at him as if he's turned insane. The weather's warm. 

"It's just until your hair is dry. I don't want you sick." 

"I won't get sick from having my hair wet," I try to reason. 

He shakes his head, "everyone gets sick from that. Don't argue. Need I remind you, you're not in charge."

Raphaelle pulls me closer, his hands resting at the small of my back. "You can either go sit in the car, shielded from the wind, or wear this sweater until your hair is dry. Your choice." 

I agree to let Raphaelle put the sweater on me. He pulls the sweater over my head, his fingers brushing against my skin, softly. His eyes never leave mine. They kind and gentle. And I honestly love this side of him. I love how he makes me feel. Safe. Home. Cherished... Myself. 

His phone rings again. This time, his expression changes from soft to something darker, much darker. He answers the call brusquely, his voice low and tense. "Cosa succede? Sì, sono al mare con Sophia. Che cosa successo?"

I watch him intently, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words, but all I can make out is "what happened?" and "with Sophia." My heart beats faster, and I feel a knot forming in my stomach. Something is wrong, and I can sense it.

Raphaelle hangs up the phone, his face harder than I've ever seen. "Merda," he mutters under his breath. He grabs our belongings in a hurried motion, throwing them carelessly into the car. 

"Get in, Sophia. Now. We gotta leave." His voice is firm, and there's no room for questions.

I climb into the passenger seat, my mind racing with thoughts. Why does Raphaelle seem so... I don't know, scared? He's never scared. Never like this. As he buckle my seatbelt, hurriedly,  I glance at him, his eyes cold. Something bad has happened. I just hope it's not... bloody.

Raphaelle speeds through the streets, and I can feel the anxiety radiating off him, his knuckles white as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel. The car zips past others, weaving through traffic as if we're in a race. My heart pounds in my chest, fear gripping me tightly as we rush towards the unknown. What could have possibly happened to turn Raphaelle, usually so composed and in control, into this frantic state? It terrifies me. Something seriously bad must have happened. I close my eyes, fearing the worst.

Suddenly, he slams on the brakes, the car skidding to a halt outside a nondescript storage building. Without a word, he turns to me, his eyes intense and filled with a mixture of anger and concern. "Stay in the car, Sophia. Don't come out, no matter what. Do you understand me?"

I nod, my voice caught in my throat as I watch him storm out of the car, his movements quick and purposeful. I'm left alone in the car, my heart racing as I strain to hear what's happening outside. The minutes tick by slowly, each second feeling like an eternity.

After a while I see Raphaelle emerge from the building, a figure following close behind him, carrying a body. Shit. What on earth has happened? Is somebody dead? My tears are threatening to fall again. My breath catches in my throat as I recognize the man carrying the body. It's Giancarlo. 

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