You watch in horror as Jill stands before the monster; Brad manages to roll underneath the gate too and joins her. You call out and tell her to stop but they both start running. You drop your gun and run to the gate shaking the iron. The captain and Carlos have grouped up with other umbrella soldiers behind you they form a tight circle. You kick the gate out of frustration. She's probably being killed and your stuck alone with umbrella soldiers. Your eyes are shut as you try to make plan in the temporary blackness.

The soldiers conversation grows quiet which makes you lift your head to the right. Then they break apart, the soldiers heading towards you and the captain heading back for the train. Two soldiers open the gate and continue through, whilst one stays behind.

"C'mon, Your with me." Carlos says, his posture straight and army-like in front of you. You give him a look again.

"Your joking right?" You ask, first sound of amusement in your voice he's heard. "My sisters just been taken and your just going to ignore it."

He's quiet, black eyes searching yours. "I have my orders." He replies.

"Oh yeah, from who? Umbrella? The ones who caused all of this?"

Carlos sort of tenses from his effortless look before his eyebrows lower. "What are you talking about? You know what, it doesn't matter. I've been ordered to save the city and exactly what we are going to do. You said you'd do it too."

"Saving the city from yourselves, you mean." You hiss. "I said I'd do it when Jill was here and safe. I've already almost lost her I'm not doing that again."

"The only reason she wasn't dead by that thing before was because I saved her- just like I did to everyone else. Including you."

He saved you?

"So that's it. She gets one save then you don't care."

He stares, lips tight. "I do care."

"Then help me get her back!" You almost plead. "Then we'll get the trains back. You have my word. Please, Carlos."

His glare softens at that last part. Carlos, that rolls of your tongue perfectly. You look up at him. During that argument, he didn't look angry at any point. How is he so casual?

"Your word better be fucking amazing." He sighs stepping aside to let you through. You shove your gun in the back of your trousers and walk past him. You duck under the gate and lift it up, it groans and squeaks.

"Ladies first." You say, sarcastically. He tilts his head, a confused grin tipping the corner of his mouth up before ducking under too.
"She has a sense of humour."
"Of course I do."
You carry on walking in front of him. Now fiddling with your gun. You approach an even messier landscape, more smell and even more footprints. The most obvious being the indents that thing left in the floor; the crumbled tiles spread around each print like the after effects of an explosion.

"What is that thing?" You ask, you meant it to yourself but Carlos speaks up walking up beside you.

"No idea. But it's no zombie. It knows what it wants and won't stop till it gets it. Don't you like that in a man?"

"No thanks, he's all yours."


You exit the subway station and enter the city again. There are barely any survivors running the streets only a few now. Your boots soak in water as you step into the street, darkness overwhelming you once again. And the cold. All warmth left you the moment you left the train.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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