Chapter 1: Aftermath

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Hello all! So as I assume you've guessed, this is the next leg of (Y/n)  Riddle's story. If you haven't read any of the other books, I would recommend reading those first, as I don't think that any of this will make sense.

I plan on updating this fairly irregularly, I'm aiming to try and upload a chapter every week or two, until I get more free time to work on it.

As of right now I don't know how long this book is going to be, or anything like that yet. I have a rough timeline of how long it could be (just based on the constraints of what I've already written).

Anyway I hope you enjoy, I know there are people who have been excited to read more of (Y/n)'s story, and I'm excited to be writing more of it as well!

"How are you feeling?" I asked pushing open the door to William's room. He was shirtless lying in bed, his chest covered in slightly bloody bandages.

"I'd feel better if this bleed would just stop." He groaned, sitting up slightly as I passed him a blood replenishing potion.

"I'm doing my best, I haven't encountered magic like this before, I honestly don't know what Edgar did." I told him truthfully. I waved my wand and his bandages began unwrapping themselves and a fresh one wrapping around his chest.

"Why are you still wearing that mask?" William asked me after he'd finished his potion. "It's just us around here, you don't need to wear it anymore."

I shrugged, straightening my mask slightly. "It's nothing." I told him. I'd been wearing it for the past two weeks since Edgar had set me on fire, only taking it off when I was alone.

"Suit yourself." William said with a groan of pain as he settled back into his bed, closing his eyes.

I set food on his bedside table, before leaving the room, closing it gently behind me.

He's got a point, you really don't need the mask anymore.

"It makes me feel comfortable." I muttered to Tom, moving to the next room, opening the door and walking in. The curtains were drawn, and the room was light only by a couple candles, casting a faint dim light around the room.

"Who's that?" Vaughn said turning towards me. He was sitting in a chair, his right side towards me." Move a little more over I can't see you."

The swelling around his eye had gone down quite a bit, but his right eye looked quite bad. The whites were tinted red from burst blood vessels, and his pupil was permanently stuck dilated. Due to this his eye was sensitive to bright lights, which meant he had to keep his room dimly light.

He couldn't see anything out of it, other than fuzzy shapes, and occasionally blurs of color.

"It's just me." I said to him, pulling out my wand. "How's the eye?"

"Still can't see shit out of it." Vaughn muttered, wincing slightly as I waved my wand over his eye. "You ever actually learnt any healing magic?"

"You'd rather I left your eye to be lost completely? I've got a grapefruit spoon downstairs I'll scoop it out if you really want me too." I told him, as I grabbed his head holding it in place as I waved my wand again.

The whites of his eyes began to turn white again as I did my best to heal the blood vessels. "I'll stick to this." Vaughn muttered defiantly.

"Hopefully I'll figure something out soon." I said turning to leave.

I returned back to my room, closing the curtains and pulling off my mask, setting it on my desk.

I paced my room slightly, passing back and forth in my room, the sheet that covered my mirror fluttering slightly as I passed it. In the corner of my room Garth stood, slightly opaque and full of anger.

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