Exhaustedly laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation, Mark retorted, "I should get paid more for having to deal with this crap."

As if you're not rich enough already, Hana thought to herself.

"I'll find out what happened later, but in the meantime, I'm ready to leave." Mark turned and left the room, and the rest soon left after him.

Jeno tugged at Jaemin's shirt, wanting to be filled in on what occurred while he was upstairs showering. Hana planned on asking Chenle about it later that night since she was genuinely hooked now. But for now, she just anticipated seeing her brother at 127.


When she asked Chenle in the car ride to the 127 mansion what happened between Jisung and Renjun, he told her and Mark that they fought over whose turn it was to vacuum, and Jaemin played along with it. Mark and Hana obviously knew it was a half-assed lie, and Chenle knew that they knew it was a lie, but Hana didn't bother questioning him any further, as she didn't want to annoy him. She would just figure out sooner or later, whether from him or someone else, and the same went for Mark.


Hana and the Seven sat in the common area of 127's mansion. It was now three in the morning, so a handful of the members were asleep, including Jungwoo which was unfortunate for Hana, but they were joined by those who were awake--Taeyong, Yuta, Doyoung and Jaehyun.

They sat in a comfortable silence as Taeyong flipped through the file, briefly scanning the words and diagram printed images. They observed his expression, how he nodded occasionally, which was his small gesture of approval.

"So this was the only file that was related to weapons?" He shifted his gaze to Hana who sat at the couch in front of him, comfortably in between Chenle and Jeno.

While the others either sat back or slouched in the spots, Hana kept an upright posture in order to match the professional conduct Taeyong held. Even though she was Jungwoo's little sister which gave her value to them, she was still an outsider, and not nearly as comfortable with 127 as she was with the Seven. But she figured her closeness with the members would come with time, and she didn't feel the need to rush it.

She nodded politely.

"Good work," he said, this time his eyes were still glued to the pages.

"It was disastrous," Jaemin recalled the horrific events of earlier.

"I figured," it was Yuta who now spoke up, "You all showered before coming here, which means there had to have been some sort of combat that you guys felt the need to wash off." His balance of intuition and logic was spot on.

"How many casualties?" Taeyong interjected, his eyes darting between the Seven and Hana, calmly. "And who?"

"Approximately thirty henchmen and two innocents," Mark filled Taeyong in.

"Innocent my ass, one of them was a predator," Haechan scoffed, earning a nod of agreement from Chenle.

"So, what happened?" Jaehyun now sat forward, leaning his chin on his palm and giving the Seven his full attention.

"We've got two issues, I'll start with the main one." Jeno took the initiative of filling his older members in. "Firstly, a random man dressed in business-professional attire came into the building and shot into the ceiling to get the attention of everyone. He seemed to be a frontman and had around thirty or so henchmen come in and spread around the bottom floor. They had automatic rifles and were coated in bulletproof gear head to toe."

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