Chapter 6

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 "Morning Stormy."

I opened my office door quickly and frustratingly. I regretted not going to the gym last night, I had so much pent-up energy that I just needed an outlet to get it out.

And perfect for me I had one 6' 5" man sitting in a desk across from mine.

"My name is Abigail, Gail for friends. And you evidently are not a friend." I let out an angry puff of air. "Go back to the hell hole you crawled out of," I murmured under my breath.

Atlas' eyes seemed to soften a bit and then flashed quickly back to the normal mischievous gleam they always seemed to carry. He whipped back in his chair and imitated stabbing himself in the chest. "You wound me Storms. And that hell hole happens to be the womb of the woman that you call your second mother." He gave me a devilish smirk that I have come to despise over the years. Sure it had once made my heart stop in my teenage years, but I was a grown-ass woman. Atlas was not some childhood crush anymore, he was my coworker.

"I'm happy to see the great people of Justice Law finally got around to producing you a desk." A small, devilish hint of satisfaction entered my blood when I saw that he had been given a scrawny desk the interns normally used, except for my Becks who received a high-class chair due to her spectacular work ethic, (duh). I always knew befriending the janitorial staff and all the people that helped this building run was going to help me in the end. Point Gail, Atlas zero.

"Yes well, my ass did seem to prefer your perky, pink deluxe chair over there." There he goes again with that smirk of his. Ugh, he was infuriating. But the thought of his ass, the ass that so perfectly wore those tailored suits he always wore- Nope, nope, nope. I was not going to let my mind wander there.

I briskly turned towards my desk to hide my reddening face from his smirk. But why should I hide? This was my office, I worked my ass off to get here. And damn him if he makes me cower in my own workspace.

I am a calm (maybe not), sometimes angry (more accurate), independent woman. I wasn't going to let any man boss me around in my workplace.

I decided to take the high road and allotted myself time to vent to Becks later and go to the gym to then vent to Jesse. This would be one of the times where I decided to be calm instead of going all Klaus Mikaelson and behead the guy while also tearing out his heart with my bare hands. Actually, scratch that, I liked to think myself a Rebekah, she was totally badass.

I got to opening my monitor and Mac in the stifling silence Atlas and I had created when finally Becks came storming through the door in her normal manner.

"Hay Boss, I reviewed some more cases I thought you might like to take, all on women btw per usual, and I also did the first interview for some potential interns and new lawyers for your team. I sent over the contacts of all that passed my primary questions." She came in all her goldy unorganized self and plopped herself in the chair, which I specifically picked out for her, directly in front of my desk.

Becks started swiveling around in the chair, but when she turned towards the darkening, fuming corner of the room that was Atlas, she jumped out of her seat and let out a scream. Becks started to violently curse as soon as she realized we were in no present danger in the near future.

I did the sensible thing that every boss should respond to when their assistant is cursing. I joined in with her while hysterically laughing.

"Oh dear Lord, what the hell Mr. Mitchel. This is Ms. Adams' office. Boss, you could have warned me you know." She swivled back in forth between us looking like a frustrated teenager. God did I love her. Best. Assistant. Ever.

I burst out into laughter my mood significantly brightened from when I entered the building this morning. I would've loved to credit the happy mood swing in Becks' favor, but a small part of me was grateful for the banter Atlas had given me.

Ugh, curses on that man. Curses. I my imaginary mental hands wiggling their fingers dramatically in his direction, trying to imitate Emperor Palpatine's lightning-ish abilities.

Yes, I knew I was weird, and yes I loved my weirdness.

"Sorry Becks, but you were being so great and assistant-like. I didn't want to ruin your flow. I think you're finally getting the whole 'commanding a room' thing down." I sent a wide smile her way, one that she returned ecstatically.

"Wait actually. I gave myself a pep talk before I walked in here like you taught me, Boss. 'I am a strong, confident, and independent woman' I chanted it like crazy this morning. I felt that witch voodoo that you're always talking about. You know like the force of womanhood and such." She talked with he hands and started to do the Emperor Palpatine thing. Becks was spectacular.

"Can I learn this chant too, Stormy?" I jumped out of my chair when the cool, measured strikingly male voice reached my ears. I had honestly forgotten Atlas was still in the room.

"Oh my God, you gave me a heart attack Atlas. You can learn the chant if you promise to pledge to the sake of helping womanhood dominate the male gender." I smirked at him, knowing he would glare at me, and then go back to work. Catogrising my words as some folly.

But he didn't.

I watched in horror and fascination as he raised his right, perfectly male hand-God I really needed to stop-in the air and started to pledge. His low voice formed goosebumps on my skin.

After he finished his pledge I heard him murmur beneath his breath. I could almost swear he said, "I'll help you dominate me Stormy", but that couldn't be right. I must not have had enough coffee this morning.

And yet why was my skin started to buzz with excitement at his words? For God's sake, I hated the man. He had blown off my childhood crush as some odd fascination and gone off to date multiple other girls back in high school. I carried a lot of grudges and was known to never let them go. I wasn't going to start now.

Not now that this perfect man walked back into my life.

Nope, I totally wasn't. 

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