Have you ever loved?

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Have you ever loved too much?
Employed all of your heart, seeking their touch.
Emptied your spirit, heart and soul,
Hoping their connection would make you feel whole.

Have you ever given your all?
Then had to sit back and watch as it falls.
Seen how their promises faded to dust,
How their lies ate away at the core of your trust.

Have you ever just wished it would all disappear?
All those memories and dreams that you once held so dear.
All the times you'd thought of the million reasons to stay,
All those nights when your tears washed those dumb thoughts away.

Have you ever prayed that your heart would go numb?
To make sense of how all your emotions feel glum.
That the blue skies would turn grey to match how you feel inside,
And the yearning for their more smile would one day subside!

Thoughts of a Rambling MindWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt