Part 6 The London Ripper

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With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, Zack continued to read from Nadia Torre's journal, his voice echoing through the quiet confines of the library.

"And it was here, amidst the enchanting streets of Prague, that Nadia found unexpected love and companionship," Zack revealed, his words infused with a quiet reverence. "In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, she crossed paths with a kind-hearted soul named Daniel Thompson—a man whose gentle spirit and unwavering devotion stole her heart."

As Alaric and Riley leaned in closer, their eyes alight with wonder, Zack continued to unravel the tale of Nadia's love story, each word a thread weaving together the tapestry of their family's history.

"In Daniel, Nadia found a partner, a confidant, and a true friend," Zack continued, his voice tinged with emotion. "Together, they embarked on a journey of love and discovery, building a life filled with joy, laughter, and cherished memories."

And as Zack closed the journal, the weight of Nadia's legacy hanging heavy in the air, Alaric and Riley exchanged a meaningful glance, the realization dawning upon them.

"Nadia and Daniel Thompson," Alaric murmured, his voice filled with awe. "Their love story lives on in you, Riley.In the dimly lit study of the Saltzman Manor, Zack's voice broke the silence with a solemn tone."You are the direct descendant of their union."

And in that moment, as the echoes of the past reverberated through the halls of the Saltzman Manor, Alaric and Riley felt a profound sense of connection to their ancestors—a connection that would guide them on their journey of discovery and self-discovery in the days and years to come.

"There is another descendant of the Saltzmans," Zack announced, his words carrying weight. "Mikael Salvatore, rumored to have lived since the mid-18th century."

Alaric and Riley exchanged startled glances, their minds racing with the implications of this revelation. The discovery of another descendant, rumored to have lived for centuries, added a new layer of mystery to their family's history.

In the quiet sanctuary of the Saltzman Manor's library, Zack gathered Alaric and Riley, his expression grave as he prepared to reveal a long-held secret.

"Alaric, Riley," Zack began, his voice steady yet tinged with solemnity. "There is something you must know about our family's lineage."

As Alaric and Riley leaned in closer, their curiosity piqued, Zack continued, his words measured and deliberate.

"We are descendants of Lord Saltzman's older son, Stefan," Zack revealed, his words hanging heavy in the air. "Our bloodline traces back through generations, a legacy of honor and duty."

Alaric and Riley exchanged stunned glances, the weight of Zack's revelation settling upon them like a shroud. The knowledge that they were direct descendants of Lord Saltzman's esteemed lineage filled them with a sense of pride and responsibility.

"And as for Mikael Salvatore," Zack continued, his voice lowering to a hushed tone, "he is the grandson of Lord Saltzman's younger daughter, Katerina."

The revelation of Mikael's lineage added a new dimension to their family's history, intertwining their fates with those of their distant relatives in ways they had never imagined.

As they absorbed Zack's words, Alaric and Riley realized that their journey to uncover the truth of their ancestry had only just begun. And with this newfound knowledge, they braced themselves for the challenges and revelations that lay ahead on the path to uncovering the secrets of their family's past.

In the cozy confines of the Saltzman Manor's study, Alaric, Riley, and Zack gathered around a polished mahogany table, their voices low as they discussed their impending journey.

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