Chapter 4

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As the days passed, I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that seemed to permeate my interactions with Baekhyun. What was once a vibrant and close-knit friendship now felt strained and distant.

Every attempt to reach out to Baekhyun was met with a vague excuse about being busy or having "a thing" to attend to. I couldn't help but wonder if my confession to Baekhyun had caused this rift between us.

One evening, as I sat alone in my room, my thoughts consumed the unraveling of my friendship with Baekhyun, I couldn't hold back the tears that welled up in my eyes. I missed the easy camaraderie we once shared, the laughter, and the inside jokes that had been the hallmark of our friendship.

Deep down, I knew confessing my feelings for Baekhyun had changed everything. I had hoped that our bond would remain unshakeable, even if he didn't feel the same way. But instead, it seemed to have driven a wedge between us, leaving me more alone than ever.

Unable to bear the weight of my emotions any longer, I confronted Baekhyun about our faltering friendship. I sent him a message, pouring my heart out and expressing my sadness at the distance that had grown between us.

Baekhyun's response was brief and distant, confirming my suspicions that our friendship had irreparably changed. It was as if a door had been closed, leaving me on the outside, longing for the warmth and companionship I once shared with Baekhyun.


 A few days later while working at the bakery, I was dropped with a bombshell of surprising news. 

I wiped my hands on my apron, dusting off the flour as I turned to greet the customer who had just entered the bakery. To my surprise, it was Baekhyun's mom, Mrs. Byun. She had a warm smile on her face, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes that caught me off guard.

"Mrs. Byun, what a pleasant surprise! What can I get for you today?" I asked, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

Mrs. Byun returned my smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Sooyoung, I actually came here to say goodbye."

My heart skipped a beat at her words. Goodbye? Why would Mrs. Byun be saying goodbye? And where was Baekhyun?

"Goodbye? But where are you going?" I blurted out, unable to hide the panic in my voice.

Mrs. Byun's expression softened, and she reached out to pat my hand reassuringly. "Oh, sweetie, I thought Baekhyun would have told you by now. We're moving away."

Moving away? The words echoed in my mind, leaving me feeling stunned and disoriented. Baekhyun, my best friend, was moving away, and I had no idea.

"I... I had no idea," I stammered, struggling to process the news. "Where are you moving to?"

Mrs. Byun hesitated, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sooyoung. I thought you knew. I can't tell you, but we'll be leaving soon."

I felt a lump form in my throat as the reality of the situation sank in. Baekhyun, the person I had shared countless memories with, was leaving, and I hadn't even had a chance to say goodbye.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized how much I was going to miss him. Baekhyun had been more than just a friend; he was the boy I was irrevocably in love with.

"I'm going to miss him so much," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Mrs. Byun wrapped me in a warm embrace, offering me the comfort I desperately needed. "I know, sweetheart. But remember, friendships can withstand any distance. I'm sure Baekhyun will want to keep in touch with you."

As Mrs. Byun left the bakery, I watched her go with a heavy heart. The realization that Baekhyun was leaving hit me like a ton of bricks, leaving me feeling lost and alone.

In the days that followed, I tried to come to terms with the loss of my friendship with Baekhyun. I threw myself into my hobbies and spent time with other friends, but the ache of missing my best friend lingered.

As time passed, I realized that sometimes friendships come to an end, no matter how much I wish they wouldn't. And while I mourned the loss of what once was, I knew that I would always cherish the memories of the bond I shared with Baekhyun, even if it was now just a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.


As I stood on the stage, clad in my graduation gown and cap, a sense of bittersweet accomplishment washed over me. Graduating high school at the top of my class was a momentous achievement, one that I had worked tirelessly to attain. Yet, amidst the cheers and applause, a part of me couldn't shake off the lingering disappointment of a dream deferred.

It had been a year since I had auditioned to become a K-pop trainee at SM Entertainment, pouring my heart and soul into the performance, only to be met with silence. The rejection had stung, leaving me feeling lost and uncertain about my future. And to make matters worse, Baekhyun, my closest friend and confidante, had drifted away, leaving me to navigate the disappointment alone.

In the aftermath of the audition, I had thrown myself into my studies, immersing myself in books and coursework as a way to distract myself from the pain of rejection. I poured every ounce of energy into achieving academic excellence, determined to prove to myself that I was capable of success, even if it wasn't in the way I had originally envisioned.

As graduation day approached, I found myself grappling with a mix of emotions—pride in my achievements, but also a sense of longing for the dream that had eluded me. And then, just when I least expected it, an unexpected opportunity presented itself.

My family had planned a vacation to France to celebrate my graduation, a much-needed respite from the pressures of school and the disappointments of the past year. As we explored the streets of Paris, soaking in the culture and beauty of the city, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope stirring within me.

And then, on a warm summer evening, as we strolled along the Seine River, I received an email that would change everything. It was from SM Entertainment, informing me that they had reviewed my audition tape and were impressed with my potential. They were offering me a chance to become a trainee—an opportunity to pursue my dreams of becoming a K-pop star.

Tears of disbelief and joy streamed down my cheeks as I read the words again and again, hardly daring to believe that this was real. After a year of uncertainty and disappointment, it felt like the universe was finally giving me a second chance.

As I shared the news with my parents, their faces lit up with pride and excitement. They enveloped me in a tight embrace, tears of joy mingling with my own as we celebrated the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.

"Sooyoung, we couldn't be prouder of you," my dad said, his voice filled with emotion. "You've worked so hard for this moment, and you deserve every bit of success that comes your way."

My mom nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with pride. "This is your chance to shine, Sooyoung. To follow your dreams and make them a reality. We'll be with you every step of the way, cheering you on."

Their words filled me with a sense of determination and gratitude. I knew that embarking on this journey would be daunting, but with my parents unwavering support and encouragement, I felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As we sat together, basking in the glow of this momentous occasion, I knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life. With the love and support of my family by my side, I was ready to chase my dreams and become the greatest idol the K-pop industry had ever seen. As I stepped into the unknown, I knew that no matter where this journey took me, my parents would always be my rock, guiding me with their love and belief in my abilities.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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