Chapter 5 Sanlang

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Shen Li searched for the scent and found her way to the door of a small courtyard. Just when she was not sure how to enter, the courtyard door suddenly creaked and was pushed open. Shen Li hurriedly hid behind the door and hid in the dark.

A man walked out of the door wearing night watch uniforms and carrying a lantern. He was the middle-aged man who came during the day today: "It's almost time for me to be on duty, so I'll leave first. Look at your younger siblings. It's midnight. Yes, don’t let her run out to find some semi-immortal again.”

The woman inside responded: "Be careful."

The man responded, turned away, and closed the courtyard door again. Just when Shen Li was so anxious that she didn't know how to get in, the door opened again, and the woman inside chased him out with a cloak: "Dalang, your cloak, night is cold, don’t catch a cold.”

Shen Li took a look and saw that the courtyard door was open, and the two people were far away. She jumped up and went straight into the courtyard. She immediately saw the woman's room. Because the lamp was still on, she was sitting there. Sewing in front of the window, silhouette cast on the paper window, indescribable loneliness. The door to her room was not closed, and Shen Li quietly poked her head into the crack of the door. At a glance, she suddenly understood why she felt an inexplicable aura on this woman today.

Behind the woman, a young man in dilapidated light armour was looking at the clothes she was sewing in her hands. His expression was soft and his eyes were gentle, as if he was looking at the thing he cherished most in the world, but he didn't have legs. His body was invisible during the day when yang energy was strong, but it finally showed up at night.

Has he turned into a spirit body... Shen Li couldn't help but sigh. The woman can no longer find her husband, and there is no need to look for her husband, because the man has never left her.

Shen Li didn't expect that her sigh would cause the lightly armoured man to turn his head suddenly, and his black eyes suddenly turned red the moment he saw Shen Li. He opened his mouth, and a gloomy air overflowed from his mouth, which was given to Shen Li. She didn't have any time to react before he rushed towards her with a ferocious face. Shen Li flapped her wings twice in panic: "Stop! Wait..." Before the two crows came out, the spirit body passed through her body, and the full of Yin energy caused her to stagger and roll away. It went around for several times, until it hit an earthenware pot in a corner and stopped.

"Stop! Stop...cough..." Shen Li hurriedly shook her neck.

The ghost didn't listen to her, but stared at Shen Li evilly, preparing to attack her again.

Shen Li hurriedly said: "I'm here to help you!" When the man heard this, he was slightly startled, and his face softened slightly. Shen Li took a few breaths and was about to speak, but the hostess of the other room was startled by the previous voice. When the door over there opened, the woman could not see the ghost, but stared at Shen Li strangely: "Where did the hairless guy come from? Chicken?" As she said that, she walked towards this direction, but before she took two steps, a stone suddenly hit her on the head. The woman's eyes turned white and she fainted to the ground.

Behind her was Xingyun, who was covered in dust. He threw the stone in his hand and said with a hint of helplessness: "Giggle, you are running around and causing trouble again."

Shen Li looked at him blankly: "How did you get here?"

"Climb the wall." He said calmly, stepped forward and took Shen Li into his arms, "There is a curfew at night, don't you know? You're going back."

"Wait a minute!" Shen Li slapped Xingyun's face with a chicken wing. The feathers that had just grown out made Xingyun's face hurt. "Don't you see? There are still things to deal with here!"

Ben Wang Zai Ci / The Legend of Shen Li  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें